068: To Regain Sight

Divyat and the others watched as Remus used his hand to cover Zhao Min's empty eye sockets. Cao Man and Cao Lin watched on impassively, but given the annoyed look on Cao Man's face, he didn't look too happy about the current state of things.

"Why did you not bring the Dao seed back, there would definitely have been someone in the outpost that would see more use from it. Especially Cao Lin, she's an alchemist and is attuned to the earth element and of a higher cultivation than the dog demon, you should have consulted with…"

"It was never your decision to make Cao Man. My team risked their lives for it, and it went to the most viable person as now Remus's growth would be that much smoother. The Dao seed gave him control over nature, strengthening his wood element and giving him a physique. I'd say it's an investment well made."