069: -0

"Are you sure it's a good idea leaving Remus behind with your…. Human?" Cao Lin asked as Divyat made his way towards a gathered group of bandits, all of them mounted on massive wolves with horns.


"I', also leaving Little Bai behind, Remus would be better utilized if he is training and mastering his abilities along with watching over Zhao Min for me. Besides he needs a willing participant to try all of his concoctions, the best and the human are willing guinea pigs.

Cao Lin blanched in surprise, not expecting that such a word would spill out of Divyat's mouth, and even with such coldness. The worst part about it all, was that it wasn't an act. After getting over the initial excitement of reuniting with Zhao Min, Divyat had to approach her situation with a pragmatic and cold outlook. Especially as she's considered a slave of his, rather than a friend.