080: This Is A Robbery

A village on a lake... that brought quite the image to mind whenever someone mentioned it. Divyat was well aware of this place, it had been the major source of fish produce for the sect back when it was still standing. but even with all of the wealth that was invariably flowing through the town due to it's close proximity to the Divine Dao sect, it was still pretty much no more than a dump.

and that was because the village elder was a crook and a thief. or perhaps it wasn't that he was a crook, it was more like he had the most power and he had chosen to let it feed his greed and lust for wealth.... which in the grand scheme of things was pretty paltry when you thought about it. either way Divyat had chosen to come all the way here for a reason, it was one of those goals he had given himself back when his heart was filled with gullible dreams of adventure and being known as a hero of the martial arts world.