081: Putting Down Opposition

A blast of condensed Qi, carrying the weight of hundreds of jin smashed into the side of Divyat's head. it had enough power to cave in his skull as he was thrown off his Sabre tooth wolf, dead to the world as his body rolled on he ground like a rag doll, before coming to a stop against a smoldering building right at the edge of the lake. his assailant was a man almost 8 foot in height and packed with muscle, there was a power mace in his hand abuzz with wind element Qi. he snorted in amusement as he turned to the twins and showed them a mouth filled with filed serrated teeth.

"Well I have slain your leader! looks like all he knows how to do is talk a big game, but when it comes down to it, he's a fucking weakling!"

much to his annoyance, Lian Rae and Lian Reed didn't act as if anything was wrong. Even when Yana and the others came out, all they did was give Divyat a cursory look before turning to face the giant of a man.