113: The Undersea I

Divyat was bored, extremely bored. After days upon days of sailing through these tunnels he was beginning to get tired of it, it was much worse due to the fact that said tunnels were always perpetually dark.

And for some reason nothing had jumped up to attack them, because they had ready dealt with all the other sailors, there's was no danger of mutiny, perhaps if he had let them live, Divyat would have not been so bored. But it was too late to worry about that.

Eliminating the extra baggage had made it so that their supplies would last longer, which was also a part of the reason why Divyat had ordered them killed. Divyat sighed letting his voice echo out, expecting it to bounce right back at him in an echo admit has been doing through out their time on sailing, but instead what he received was a rush of wind and the sounds of rushing wave as the darkness they had been in seemed to expand.