114: The Undersea II

"Yes indeed I am dragon, thank you very much for stating the obvious Ruyan you always were an astute observer of things. Though I'd have to say you vessel leaves much to be desired, but then again why am I even talking to you… you're dead…ish! You! Boy! What's your name?"

Each word from the dragon's mouth was a blast of Qi and air that threatened to throw Divyat off the ship, Hilda was still frozen in place and Divyat felt that if he isn't answer quickly he would probably be swallowed whole along with he entire ship.

"M-my name is Bai Divyat." Divyat said, his voice coming out as no more than a terrified squawk.

"Hmmm Bai Divyat…. What a wonderful name, and I heard them call you Hilda young one…. I see you have become Zili's vessel…. She was always the kindest and softest of us…. Tell me, when you became her incarnate did she suffer?"