Chapter 2: An Ordinary Day

It was an ordinary 7:30 in the morning. The alarm rang to wake David up, and David would climb out of his bed carrying his body to the bathroom, brush his teeth and take his morning shower. His morning shower usually lasted about 40 minutes. Even though people might view this 40-minute shower as a waste of time, people with knowledge of spirits knew that his shower was essential for his life.

After his morning shower, David would toast some waffles and boil some eggs. After his breakfast, it was 9 O'clock. Usually, David would sit on his couch and watch TV for a little bit, but this day of April 10th was a little different. David heard a sound of a loud contentious knock coming outside of his door. As curious David was, he was also frightened.

"Hey, you! Open the door! I know you're in there!" Yelled a man. He was pounding on the door as if the door was a sandbag from a boxing gym.

"Going!" replied David. He knew that his house owner was right in front of the door, and he knew that the house owner wanted his rent money. As David slowly stood up, the door opened.

"You, what will you become if you don't even pay your rent? Now, where's my money? You didn't pay me last month, so you better have 1000$ ready!" Said the man. He had a thick accent that anyone could notice where he is from, Korea.

"You know, I have enough money to pay my rent. You need to be more patient." Complained David as he pulled 1000$ from his shelf.

"Then why didn't you pay your rent before? Kids these days are so irresponsible! I don't need your money, but I collect it to teach you responsibility!" Lectured the man.

"O really? I heard from my friend that your business is dying! Aren't you kind of penniless right now? You might think that I'm a clueless little brat, but I am smarter than you think." Replied David.

"You haven't even graduated college! Don't talk to me like that! After all, I am your father!" Said the man.

"Sure, I know. Now don't make a mess and get out of my house!" Replied David. Anyone could notice that David is annoyed at his father.

"So disrespectful! Fine!" David's father turned away angrily from David and exited through the door. Soon after, David locked the door, then sat down on his couch.

"Old people are so noisy! What do they know about me anyway?" Whispered David. As he did, an alarm rang from his phone. It was 9:45. David quickly jumped off the couch and quickly grasped his bag. Then he ran out of his apartment and got on his bike.

"Yo, David!" Greeted a man.

"I don't have time right now! Text me later!" Said David in a hurry. He was in such a hurry. David quickly rode his bike very fast. He biked and biked and biked until he arrived at a convenience store. He quickly got off his bike and ran inside. As he checked his phone, he could see that he wasn't late.

"Hey, David!" Greeted a man.

"Hi Hyun Dong! What are you doing here?" Asked David.

"I was just buying cup noodles. A person before your shift already charged me." Said, Hyun Dong.

"After work, let's hit soju at Trey's?" Asked David.

"Sure, why not? It's not like I'm working, right? Anyways, bye!"

"Where are you going?"

"To a blind date. A good friend of mine asked me to date one of his acquaintances."

"Well, get out of here then!" Said, David. As David smiled, Hyun Dong turned around and left the store.

I'll be off my work at 4 O'clock, I see. Then, I'll have fun." As David reminded himself, he knew that he would be busy working very soon.

After work, David received his pay of 100$, he left the store and rode his bike to Korea Town. There, he could see his friend's restaurant, "Kim's Korean BBQ".

David parked his bike near the wall of the restaurant and started walking. But as he did, he saw a little kid getting beaten up by other kids.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?" Said David, as he walked to the kids.

"This guy is from a ghost town! He must be possessed!" Replied a kid.

"That's not how it works! Now stop bullying this kid and leave him alone!" Said David as he chased away the kids. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. Thanks." Said the little kid.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Jason, and I'm 10 years old!"

"Well, do you have parents?"

"They're not with me… My dad lives in Korea, so my uncle is taking care of me."

"Why aren't you with your dad?"

"Because he is possessed. People say that he is being possessed by a devil. But one day, everyone stopped talking about the devil in an instant. Weird, right?"

David knew what was happening. A devil was possessing the whole village. This happens when a devil possesses a person and attacks other devils around it. Then, the devil makes a deal with many people and possesses them. But since the devil has too many people possessed, his powers are limited except for the main body. A strong devil who does this is usually one of the kings of hell.

"Where is your village?" Asked David.

"It's in Paju, Korea. Our village is very small!" Replied Jason.

David knew that helping this boy was the right thing to do. But it wasn't the safest. David would have helped this boy a long time ago, but he decided not to since he is now "responsible".

"Well kid, go back to your house safely!" Said, David.

"Before you go," said Jason. "What's your name?" Asked Jason.

"My name is David." Answered David. David smiled at Jason. But Jason stared at David as if something was wrong.

"I sense spiritual power in you," said Jason, "maybe you can help my village!"

David was shocked. How can this boy sense spiritual powers, and even know about them? David had many questions but decided to end this conversation for now.

"No, I don't! Don't be silly! Now go back to your house!" Said, David.

"You don't wanna help me, huh?"

David knew that lying to this kid would be futile. They spent another 10 minutes talking. But, for some reason, this kid detected every lie. So, David decided to be honest with this kid.

"Well, since you detect all my lies, I'll tell you the truth. Whether I help you or not, it won't make a difference. You see, a devil strong enough to control that many people are one of the strongest devils of all. I do get that you are desperately needing help, but sorry. I can't." Explained David.

Jason started to frown in disappointment. As Jason looked at David, David started to remember what it was like to watch his brother being possessed. But despite all this, David turned around, hopped on his bike, then biked his way to his home.

"I can't risk it, I just can't," thought David, "I already have so much to lose! Remember what happened to James when he fought against a devil so strong! You already are doing enough by chasing away smaller demons. Don't even think about helping him. You even have a girlfriend that you are thinking of marrying!" David told himself. But as he did, he was felt great guilt. He felt that helping this boy would fill the missing part in his soul. Maybe he can stop a great tragedy. All these thoughts rushed into David's head. But as he arrived at his apartment, all thoughts were forgotten.