Chapter 3: The Holy Messenger of God

As David went inside his house, he was tired. Too tired that he couldn't receive a call from his phone. But even though David was tired to death, he still got up, took his shower, then dragged his body to the bed. As he sat down on the bed, his phone started to ring.

"Who's calling me in this late at night? He must have no manners! It's probably Trey. Look how rude he is! That's why he has no girlfriends!" David murmured as he fell onto his bed. Then, dozed off as if he was dead.

Ring! Ring! David's alarm started to ring to notify David that it was time for him to get up. As David did, he took his morning shower and made himself breakfast. As he was eating his breakfast, his phone rang again. As David picked his phone up, he received a call.

"Who is it?" David asked.

"Who do you think it is? Huh? How dare you not receive my call, you moron! When I call you, you HAVE TO answer it!" Yelled a woman with a very thin voice.

"Oh, it's you! I'm sorry! I couldn't answer your call because of a reason, Grace." David replied.

"I called you to notify you that a kid is sleeping in front of your apartment! Come on, go out and check!" Grace urged.

As David opened his door to check, he saw Jason sleeping right in front of his house.

"Isn't he so adorable? I visited your house to give you your package, but I've discovered him!" Exclaimed Grace. But as she did, David hung up.

David was so surprised. He knew that he lost Jason. The only way that Jason could find David is to sense his spiritual power.

"What's wrong with this kid? How the heck did he follow me all the way here?" Exclaimed David. David was surprised, but as he did, Jason started to cough. So David took Jason inside his house.

"Poor kid. I feel pity for him. But I won't help him! It's just too much." Whispered David. But as he did, a bright light struck him from the sky. The light was so bright and vivid, that David couldn't even open his eyes. Then, David fell asleep.

David woke up in a golden castle decorated with fancy furniture and jewelry. The room was so beautiful that David gasped in its beauty.

"Is it not beautiful?" Asked a person. This person was very tall… even taller than David. He(she) had an angel-like face that had both feminine and masculine traits.

"Who… are you?" Asked David in astonishment.

"Leap in joy, for you are facing his holiness. I am the archangel Gabriel, the messenger of the most high God. I am the lord of the golden castle of heaven, and the protector of the messengers. David Song, the greatest toemasa (Korean devil killer) of America. I, and my God whom I serve order you to go to Paju Sinjoru village in Korea, defeat the king of the Northern hell, and stop the war against the hell, and the Midgard." Replied Gabriel very proudly.

"First of all, I'm not Christian, so I don't believe in your most high God. And second, if you don't release me right now, I will call the police. You know you're committing a heavily punishable crime by kidnapping me, right?" Said, David.

"You… you insolence! How dare you talk to me like that! You shall be punished in hell!" Yelled Gabriel as he picked his spear up. The roaring sound of thunder started to come out of nowhere, and David quickly recoiled back. But Gabriel quickly calmed his temper, breathed 3 times, then said, "you must follow God's order, it is humanity's duty! If you refuse, you shall… die! Now, if you succeed, we shall grant you a wish… any wish! We also reserved your place in the best place in heaven when you die." Gabriel continued.

"So, I have no choice, huh?" Asked David. "Fine! I'll only accept your request if you will promise me a spot in heaven even if I fail the mission. And add my family, Grace, and my friends in heaven, too!" Bargained David.

"You insolent! How dare you talk to me as if we are equal! I am the highest archangel… highest of them all! And you, you are a piece of dust in contrast with me!" yelled Gabriel.

As Gabriel walked toward David, a bright light beamed right in front of Gabriel. As the bright light beamed, Gabriel stopped and bowed in respect.

"O hey, it's David! Nice to meet you, David." Said a man. David couldn't see the man, but he could hear him.

"Who are you?" Asked David. He knew that this man wasn't a normal person.

"My name is Jesus, Jesus Christ. You probably know me as Messiah, savior of men, son of God, and blah blah blah. Anyways, we need your help." Exclaimed Jesus.

"Why? What help?" Asked David.

"Well, near Korea, Paju, there is a small village. But this small village is in protection by the angel Rafael, so even the Korean government couldn't proclaim the land. But in heaven, revolutions are breaking out because of Lucifer again, so we are kind of busy. So I've withdrawn Rafael, but now, the chief of this village has made a contract with the devil king, Baalial. At this rate, Baalial will start a war against the Earth, and we are busy, so we wouldn't be able to help you. So you, as humans shall help your kind and defeat the devil king!" Ordered Jesus.

David was surprised. This village is related to Jason! But he didn't want to go. So, he asked, "What happens if I refuse? I have my personal life too, you know?"

"O, so you refuse. Then you and your family shall… die!" Answered Jesus.

"So… I have no choice, huh? Fine. I'll go!" David said.

"Wait, before you go, take this," Ordered Jesus. As he did, a small button started to appear from nowhere.

"What is this?" Asked David.

"Oh, this? This is a button that you can let angel control your body. Use it in an emergency. You see, this button will break after you use it. If an angel is inside you, you must say "come out" so that the angel will get out of your body. But if an angel is inside in you for more than an hour, you will die." Answered Jesus.

"Well, thanks." Replied David. But as he did, he was in his home sweet home. All the glorious lights and castles had disappeared, and David was in the middle of his normal day.

"So, I am God's holy judge, huh?" David thought, and as he did, he felt something different about this world. For some reason, he couldn't bear to help Jason's village and follow the order of the highest God.