Chapter 4: Shipped Out

After Jason woke up, he looked around. As he did, he couldn't find David anywhere. So, he decided to sit on his couch, then watch the television.

After a few hours, David came back from work. As David looked around like a child wandering in a large forest, he spotted Jason.

"What are you doing in front of my tv?" Asked David.

"I'm watching Cobra Kay; It's so good!" Answered Jason.

David turned back and went away. Because Jason reminded him too much of his little brother, David made his thought that he will help Jason take back his village.

"Hey, you," said David, "we're going to Korea. Pack your stuff if you have one." David said as he started to pack his passports and such.

"Wait, are you gonna help me? Are you helping me? I… I'm so happy!" Exclaimed Jason as he started to emit tears of joy. David looked at Jason and smirked.

"Well, first, we need to get permission from your guardians. Do you know where your guardians are?"

"Yes! They live near here!" Jason answered with excitement.

"Really," said David, "do you have a passport?" Asked David.

"Yes, I do!"

David knew that he needs to get permission from this child's guardians. So, he asked, "where are your guardians?"

"I don't know their address, but I can lead you the way."

As David took Jason outside of his apartment, he could feel a warm breeze. He looked at Jason once, then followed Jason until he walked a few miles. After his short walk, David stopped. The neighborhood that Jason lived in was far different than David's. There was much trash in the street, and a faint smell came out of nowhere. The houses near the street looked very unclean and poorly built. Even so, Jason wasn't even surprised. Jason stopped walking and took his water bottle out and sipped it a few times. Then, Jason brought David to an old apartment. The apartment was very gloomy and dirty.

"Come inside!" Said Jason. As David went inside, he couldn't help but notice much trash. As David frowned, Jason knocked on a door a few times.

"Who is it?" Asked a woman behind the door.

"This is me, Jason!" As Jason answered, the door opened. A short fat man and a very skinny woman came out.

"Jason, where have you been?" They asked. Then, they looked at David and scanned him for a while, then asked him, "what business do you have with us? Why are you here?"

"I am Jason's father's… acquaintance. His father wants me to bring him back to Korea." Answered David.

"Alright then, please take him." Answered the man as he looked at Jason.

David was surprised. He thought that Jason's guardians would ask him questions and ensure Jason's safety. But instead, they just agreed like taking Jason a 1000s of miles as if it isn't a big deal.

"Well, that's great," said David in amazement, "I need you to sign a few papers for me.

"Sure, why not?" Replied the woman as she took the paper from David. She and her husband signed the papers carelessly, then handed them back to David. As David bowed to the couple, they closed the door.

"Who are they?" David asked.

"They are my aunt and her husband. After my dad sent me here, they have been taking care of me…legally. They didn't care what I did or where I am, so I don't know them." Answered Jason. David once thought that he wanted to have careless parents that just fed him and did his laundry, but he was wrong. At least his parents loved him, but Jason's guardians didn't care about Jason one bit. David felt both pity and thankfulness. As he was thinking, he already arrived at his house. Then, a few days later, he and Jason were shipped out to Korea.