Ghost Town

After half a day, Jason and David arrived at Korea Incheon Airport. David was happy that he got out of the ear-muffling sound of an airplane plane. As David was looking around for his luggage, a man with a big smile spoke to David in Korean.

"Are you looking for your luggage?" Asked the man.

"Yes. Where can I find my luggage?" Replied David. Jason was surprised at how well David can speak Korean.

"If you go downstairs taking the elevator, you will see them." Answered the man as he walked away after bowing.

"I didn't know if you could speak Korean that well! Our mission would be a piece of cake!" Exclaimed Jason.

"Well, if speaking Korean would make anyone be able to chase away evil spirits, then anyone in the world should be toemasa." Answered David. Then, he reclaimed his luggage, then called for a taxi outside of the airport.

"Hello," greeted the taxi driver, "where are you going?"

"Where are we going?" Asked David as he nudged Jason.

"Um… Here!" Answered Jason, as he pointed at the map.

"That place is at Paju! Too far… Well, I'll call if anyone's available." Replied the driver as he took his phone out of his pocket. Then, he dialed the numbers and said "hey, Park Soo! We have a customer waiting at the Incheon Airport and he wants to go to Paju near the ghost town."

"What the heck does this kid wants to do with the ghost town?" Asked the voice over the phone.

"I don't know. Well, just notice that they're in the Incheon Airport!" As he told the phone, he looked at David. "For whatever reason, you're trying to go there, I recommend that you don't even step your toe in that land. You see, there aren't many taxi drivers willing to go to that place, you know. I just did you a huge favor by connecting you to a skillful and passionate taxi driver." The man drove off right after he finished talking.

"Well, what do we do?" Asked Jason.

"What can we do," replied David, "let's just sit here and wait a little bit. While the taxi arrives…"

"It might not!"

"I can bet you that it will. Well, let's wait for a little while, okay? In the meantime, we can talk about your village."

"My village…" said Jason as he was dreaming, "is a little village of about 300 people. There isn't any city stuff because our village was isolated from society 100 years ago. My grandfather told me that even Japanese and North Korean couldn't invade our village. But one day, my father told me to run away from the village. I could sense my father's spirit next to… next to a ghost! I've never seen a ghost this mighty in presence. I was afraid too because the ghost was devouring everyone in the village. So I ran to my uncle's house that my father contacted…" As Jason was telling David his story, a loud sound of honk came out of nowhere.

"Hey! Jason, it's me, brother Mitch!" Said a Mexican man with a weird Korean accent.

"Mitch! How are you here?" Asked Jason in pure surprise and excitement.

"Well, I was kicked out of the village, then I started to work as a taxi driver. Whatsoever, it's so great to see you!"

"Wait, who is this guy?" asked David.

"He's Mitchelle! He used to live in our village, but ever since our village got possessed, he left." Answered Jason.

"Well, I will be taking you to the Ghost Town… or at least that's what people call the village," said Mitchelle as he opened the door for David and Jason, "get in! We have a lot to talk about."