Chapter 9

(Charlotte's Section)

I'd only ever experienced love as something to read about, but the books always fall short of the real thing...this warmth and joy are incomparable to anything I've ever felt. But isn't this Selfish of me? I might love her but I can't guarantee she feels the same. Last night though...she whispered something, I couldn't quite catch it over the party noise and Robyn's drunken blathering. 'I.....You' was all I could discern, all I could remember were the way those brown eyes fixed on me.

For a moment It felt like the world stopped, just us two looking at each other.

no distractions.

I know it's a meaningless fantasy, but is it wrong to want whatever this is? to want...Love?

I awoke to Akira with her head on my chest, snoring softly, I couldn't help but take the chance to admire her looks. Beautiful brown hair was messily tousled against tanned and scarred skin, and brown eyebrows and slightly scarred eyelids covered those brown eyes I could look at for hours. Akira shifted slightly and the sheets slid down her back allowing for a few bashful glances. Lighter scars covered her back, almost like claw marks and bite wounds. Akira slowly opened her eyes and tightened her grip around my waist, causing a warm blush to settle on my face.

"Morning.." she said, her face was still buried in the folds of my sweatshirt, and I smiled. "Good morning..." I said, gently moving her off of my chest only to have her grip me tighter. "'re warm...." Akira whined, she dragged out the 'o' and I had to remind myself that she was the Alpha of a powerful pack and not some clingy kid. "You have pack duties," I said while trying to wriggle out of her grasp, she finally sighed and got up. I chuckled as I heard a stream of mumbled complaints coming from the closet, my moment of bliss was interrupted by a knock on the door. Akira finished buttoning her shirt and opened it to reveal a very flustered Emmett carrying a giggling Robyn.

"The Fu-" Akira was cut off by Emmett tossing Robyn at her, Robyn made a face at his mate "All I said was that you're too uptight!" Robyn shouted, he kept giggling so I assumed something else happened. "You also proceeded to try and jump off of the roof!" Emmett shouted, even when he was angry he didn't have a bad vocabulary. "It was a Joke Babe!" Robyn said, he got down from Akira's arms and tried to hug Emmett only to be pushed away "I'm done with all your fucking 'Jokes' I need a break!" Emmett shouted the last part as he shifted and ran. Akira gave me a look, "Go, I'll hang with Robyn today" I said, Robyn's sad eyes brightened a little at this. Akira nodded and went to the door, before leaving she turned around and brushed her lips against my cheek.

Without waiting for a reaction she also shifted and ran after the upset Beta, I held a hand to my cheek...Did she just try to kiss me?

Robyn was sitting on my and Akira's bed, his sad scent of bitter oranges was covering up Akira's scent and I was a little irritated. "So...what does he mean by 'Jokes' is this a common thing?" I asked, sitting beside the redhead "He's a little...stressed...but this is new..." Robyn said, his sad smell clogging my nose "What happened exactly?" I asked, my brain struggling to think of a concise question. "Well...Emmett was stressed and uptight so I tried to relax him, with one of my jokes.." Robyn said, I sighed and rubbed my forehead "What was the joke?" I asked, Robyn, gave me a slight grin "I was gonna jump off the second story onto a cushion and say 'I've fallen for you loudly!" Robyn said, I looked at him, his curly red hair was a mess now "And what happened?" I asked with a sigh, Robyn looked at his hands "I...Jumped and he dove out of the window to catch me...he thought I had fallen out of a window..." Robyn said slowly, tears working down his face.

I pulled the redhead close and felt him sob into my chest "I fucked it up didn't I? this is all my fault!" he yelled, In the background, I noticed a familiar giant, Robyn hadn't noticed him so I decided on a quick fix.

"How'd you meet him?" I asked, Robyn was still hugging me, his green eyes were red and puffy now. "I was feeding birds and he was walking in the park, when a Robin snatched my bracelet" Robyn's eyes lit up as he remembered that moment "I chased it and crashed into him, he was already six-foot and he scared me shitless" Robyn laughed and I joined him, noticing Emmett relax behind the crack in the door. "The Robin landed on his head and shit on him while dropping my bracelet on I helped him clean up the shit and I knew as soon as I touched him that he was my mate..." Robyn trailed off, a smile touched his face "He was so proper, he proposed to me right then and there, I said no, and he spent the next year trying to convince me to be his" Robyn kept laughing to the point of tears, I couldn't help but join him "But when his parents kicked him out he stopped trying..." Robyn said quietly "So I started making these jokes to make him mad and to make him laugh!" Robyn said excitedly "I kept doing crazier and crazier things until finally, he asked me out, we've been together ever since!" Robyn finished his story with a small but sad smile.

"I don't know why he loves me Charlotte...I always fuck everything up..." Robyn whispered, I pulled him into a hug just as Emmett walked in the room "You could just ask me." He said while trying to keep a stony demeanor. "Emmett? you were listening?" Robyn asked, his face flushed the color of his hair, the six-foot giant sighed "Robyn you are Chaotic and messy, wild and insane" Emmett paused and Robyn smiled "But?" "-But you make my life interesting, to say the least," Emmett finished his statement while looking directly at Robyn, for a moment I felt like a total stranger, an outsider who didn't deserve to witness a love like this... Robyn and Emmett Kissed and Emmett threw him over his shoulder "Pray for my ass Charlotte!" Robyn said as they vanished down the hallways. I turned my thoughts inward as I got dressed and headed to the library

Something about those two was making me jealous, but what? The way Robyn's face lit up when Emmett walked into the room was something special, but also the fact that the two seemed off in their world, others didn't matter. Almost like they were frozen in time.

I gazed out of the window while holding a book in my lap, I heard a noise but I ignored it, the wispy cloud in the corner of my eye demanded more attention. I heard the chair across from me creak and I turned to see Akira staring at me...

Almost like we were alone.

I locked eyes with her and examined those deep brown pools and sighed, her hand reached out and she cupped my cheek gently. In those few moments, it seemed like we were the only two in that house, hell, the whole world.

Almost like we were the only things that mattered in each other's eyes...

Is this what Love is? Being alone together? If so...

I like this.