Chapter 10

(Akira's Section)

I need her, I love her, I can't live without her, but every time I try to say these things they refuse to leave my tongue. I'm simply staring into those green eyes, the ones I want so badly, that blond hair I want to run my fingers through. She simply looks back at me, my hand on her cheek and her elbows on the table, every breath seems almost silent as we're both stuck. At that moment I realized I would die for this woman, I would lay my life down for her in a second. I exhaled and gazed into her eyes, only seeing the pain and regret flash back, my heart nearly stopped as I made a decision.

"I'm sending you home"

Charlotte blinked twice as I pulled away, her shock could be seen. "W-Why?" she asked, those green eyes I loved suddenly fixed on me as I got up to walk away. "W-wait!" she yelled and grabbed my arm, I refused to look back into those eyes, I could feel her tears on my sleeve.

"Why? Why are you sending me away?" she asked, I bit back my tears and mustered up what anger I could, I didn't want her getting hurt, but I need her to hate me "Pathetic." I spat out, her eyes widened and she let go of my sleeve. "Mates or not. You. are. weak. and I don't need you." I said, making sure my voice was dripping with Venom. My heartfelt like it was being crushed but I pushed it away "I forced you to be my mate! you should be glad!" I shouted, I felt her flinch and saw her face harden.

"You're right." She said I felt like I was being strangled as all the air in my body left. "I Love you...but you don't love you?" She asked, My heart froze in my chest "Charlotte that's not what I meant" I said, I tried to grab her wrist but she walked towards our bedroom. She'd just told me she loved me...and I tried to make her leave. I'm a fucking Idiot. "Charlotte-!" I tried to open the door but she had locked it, I could hear shuffling and packing noises. "Charlotte open the door!" I pleaded, I kept hitting the wood. "I'm leaving, It's what you wanted isn't it?" Charlotte said, I mentally cursed myself and tried to grab her wrist again. "Please- I do Love you-" I tried to finish my sentence but I was cut off by a kiss.

"This Love? You don't need it...It'll only make you, please...Let me Leave..."

Those were her last words to me as she left, tears tore down my face and I ran to my office, only to see a very smug Alpha. "Terrance. YOU CAUSED THIS" I screamed, I stepped closer to rip his head off but he stopped me "Technically you did this, you pushed her away, you were indifferent to her. I did nothing." Terrance said, he crossed his legs and turned to the chessboard, he picked up the black king and knocked over the black queen. "This was your plan all along.." I realized, he chuckled darkly "Now Blood Rose is gonna hate you, Charlotte is going to hate you...You have no Allies" Terrance said, He got up and smirked again "I Win-" I cut off his grandstanding by punching him in the face, blood spilled out of his nose and he glared at me "What happened to you, Terry? what did I do?" I asked, his golden eyes narrowed "Don't call me that...Aki..."He used my nickname with familiarity as I balled up my fist again "Get off of my Territory, and before you ask, yes...This is War." I said, leaving his bloody face behind and trudging outside, Emmett met me and I could smell his fear "Did you just declare war on the Blue Moon Pack?" He asked, I smiled at him.

"I did. they wanted war and they hurt my mate, so they're getting War." Emmett flinched at my words and I looked at the direction my mate had left in

"Charlotte...I'm gonna win this war...and when I do...I'm coming for you." I whispered, I then watched as Emmett gathered my pack, confused voices intermingled and I felt a rush of satisfaction, even though my mate had just crushed my heart and I declared war on Blue moon, I still held command. My steps quickened and I stood In front of my pack, an army close to 2,000 strong, a smirk placed itself on my face

"As you may have heard, we're at war!" I said, the crowd erupted with confusing questions and grim nods "Blue Moon has pushed us to the limit! and we will win!" I said, Emmett placed his hand on my shoulder and I gave a nod "SO LET'S KICK SOME WOLF ASS!" I shouted as my pack joined me with war cries, that rush of satisfaction helped ease my heart, it didn't help that as Emmett joined them I imagined Charlotte standing beside me. My anger was rekindled as I Imagined my teeth sinking into his throat, his blood would ease this aching pain.

Her leaving was all his fault, wasn't it?

It wasn't my fault.

Was it?

My brain was spinning as I walked back to my bedroom, I opened the door and noticed that her scent was already fading, I rushed in and buried my head in the sheets trying to breathe in her sweet scent. My heart ached and I grabbed a pillow and held it close, I almost cried.. but then I remembered...

This was all his fault

I Still Haven't made him pay.

Oh, I will make him pay, my vengeance will be bloody and violent. I'll have him screaming his apologies before dying... And then Charlotte will return...

Comforted by these thoughts I slipped into a fitful sleep.