Airiz sang the three songs when she finished Flavus took over and she can't understand why she even sang after her. Flavus's voice was better than Airiz's. Maybe Flavus was taunting her to get revenge for what she did this morning.
Airiz immediately sat down on the stoll Flavus had sat on earlier and asked for a martini from the bartender. She quietly drank it. Half of her attention was listening to Flavus "song. She loved her voice so good to the ear, her phone beeps tucked it out to her jeans pocket, and looked at it. Who the heck was calling to her right now?
When she saw it was Audrei, she immediately swiped the accept icon.
'Airiz, I need your help. Come to Netheniel's house. ASAP," Audrei messaged and immediately dropped the call. What's her up?
Airiz put her phone back in her pocket and stood up in the seat. "Just put this on my debt list," she said to the bartender named Jake and he just nodded at her.
'I know you were trouble when I walked in, so shame on me now ... Through me to places that I've never been ... I'm lying on a cold hard ground ... I... I ... I ... Trouble. Trouble... Trouble …'
Flavus's voice was all around. Airiz closed the door and walked into the basement where the Rose Sisters' offices were. Arriving at the office door she handed over the passed card and it opened immediately then she walked inside and halted in the middle of the office feeling strange in the place. She looked tentatively through the office down to her laptop. That position was different from where it was before. She took a big step closer to the office desk and checked the laptop carefully.
Alarmed inside startled Airiz in her whole system. Someone used her laptop. She opened it, typed in the password before the laptop finally started working. She scanned her files inside and her mouth twitched in disbelief. Below she saw the words 'someone used your computer-50 minutes ago. File open-RSmissionAces.'
"Who the heck opened my laptop?" Airiz was holding back her anger. She doesn't want anyone to use or hold her laptop, especially since that idiot took it from her.
Airiz went to the video camera record fifty minutes ago. In the video a woman in black enters. Its face was hidden with a white mask. She was sure this wasn't one of their employees and she paused the video, zooming in the neck of the intruder. A blackhead snake tattoo on the woman's left neck. She resumed watching the video. It entered their office with a passed card that she didn't know from whom it had gotten it and that"s when the woman opened her laptop effortlessly and quickly left the office.
Airiz opened the video recorded at the club and saw the woman weakly walk towards the people dancing on the dance stage and it disappeared suddenly. Where did she go? She looked at another camera record but could no longer find the woman and no one came out earlier in the club.
"Who the heck is that?" Airiz searched but found none of the video records of the woman again. She hit the desk table and that made noise around. Fidgeting! Get that woman ready for her. Airiz would give her what she deserves and her teeth gritted.
Airiz's phone rang. She picked it up right away and answered.
"Airiz, where are you? Ven, are you there? I need your help," Audrei said hurriedly in a whispered voice.
"Okay, wait for us. Text me the exact address where you are." Airiz kept her voice normal.
'Okay, hurry up,' she said before disappearing from the line.
What is going on? Airiz stared at her laptop, before closing it.
Venice was running fast with her motor in the middle of the moonlight. She hadn"t finished singing lately when manager Ronald Evans suddenly approached her and whispered that Erythros needed her outside the club building. She was surprised to leave the stage and walk to the doors until she could get out of the building and saw Airiz leaning against the wall of the building three meters away from the entrance door. In her aura, Venice sees a woman not in the mood as if something had happened here that she didn"t like. She took big steps closer to her friend and heard Airiz swear that she didn"t seem to know why. When she asked her, Venice found out that someone had entered their office using Erisha's pass card. A woman with a snake tattoo took Aces' confidential file. After Airiz told the story, she left to go to Erisha and Venice would go first to where Audrei was.
Airiz gave Venice the address where Audrei was, and she will be there later as she bids goodbye to Venice and leaves. Who is the woman who entered the club? Why is it so easy to get into the basement and get the file? Venice's thoughts rummaging her brain.
Venice even drove her motorbike fast, feeling different emotions remembering Audrei and Erisha and being angry with the woman who entered their office without them even being aware of her but what fear Venice of what Airiz might do to Erisha was more overcome by the fact that their employee betrayed them, she knows what Airiz can do to that pity woman.
Venice stopped in front of the house and removed the helmet on her head. She could hear the sounds of the insect at night and hooked the helmet to the handle of the motor as she looked around. Why is Audrei sending her here?
There was not a single house next to the house. It was surrounded by trees and looked like this was the last house in the subdivision where she was. Almost a few meters away from the houses she had passed before. Venice kept vigilant of her surroundings and had no idea the place itself could be a trap. She must think ahead rather than too late. Why is it weird why Audrei called and sent Venice here in the place?
'Something was wrong here?'
Venice walked quickly to the gate of the house, a two-story house. It was dark inside and looked like no one lived. The lamp post light is the only ambient light except for the moonlight. She took the gun out of the holster of her jeans and placed her right hand with the gun behind her and her left index finger pressed the doorbell. She heard nothing nor even the door open. She pressed the doorbell again when the gate opened. When a man came out, she moved quickly and pointed the gun at the man's face.
"What the goddamn son of a bastard!" the man said in shock.
"Ven! Put the gun down, that's Netheniel." Audrei's voice shows at the gate.
Venice knows the guy and she knows that it was Netheniel Demonie. She was just making sure nothing bad happened to her friend, lowering the gun and returning it to the gun holster.
"Why are you with her? Tell me everything, Audrei?" Venice seriously looked at Audrei next to the man.
"Let's go inside the house to talk, Ven." Audrei motioned Venice to the house. She didn"t wait to see if Venice would agree or not.
The two went back inside, so Venice followed them without a groan. Netheniel closed the gate. Instead of going to the door of the house, Audrei turned the other way towards the back.
"Where are we going, Audrei?" Venice can't help but ask as she kept herself following Audrei, Netheniel at her back.
"Just follow me, Ven. I'll tell you there," Audrei said with a look of intense concern on her face that wrinkled her forehead.
"I won't say a thing," Netheniel uttered.
Venice quietly followed Audrei into the forest. She rolled her eyes at what they passed. Until they were in the middle of the forest and she was thankful for the moonlight, for without it she would stumble on the tree's roots that she had stepped on. Audrei and Netheniel were speechless. The chirping of the insects around her was so loud that anyone would have thought they were just next to her following them.
Venice looked ahead to a house made of wood and cement. They walked ten minutes toward a house. The inside of it was illuminated by the light bulb then Audrei opened the door and motioned for Venice to enter. Upon entering the mini-sofa opened up to Venice and a few steps on her was the kitchen with a large cabinet dividing the area. There were three doors to the right of where she stood.
"So?" One eyebrow arched upward as Venice looked at Audrei. Netheniel closed the door.
"Come on," Audrei said and led Venice into the second door.
Venice's eyes went wide while wonderment and compassion enveloped her entire system. One word came out of her mouth. "What happened?"
For a few seconds, there was silence between each of them. Venice stared over the bed. The light provided by the lampshade over the nightstand next to the bed was dim.
"I was in Netheniel's car to bring me home when suddenly a woman ran across in front of the car. We almost hit her. It's good that Neth braked right away. I quickly got out of the car and followed the woman running because I knew her. She went straight to the vacant lot. Maybe it was caused by her adrenaline that she was running so fast. A minute before I got to that lot. I heard her shout, shout in fear. I rushed toward where she was and I didn't expect what I would see. Judelyn was lying on the grass, bloody, with large wounds on both her arms and her right leg.
She forced herself to back away from a man with an item of black clothing holding a bloody katana in his hand. An assassin but I don't know who it is. I was thinking at those times how I could save Judelyn. The assassin's gaze shifted to me, shocked by the reaction of his eyes when he saw someone else was there. Before he could attack me I took the pipe two steps away from me and I kicked him to the side but he dodged. We fought combat by combat as I kicked his katana away from him until I heard a gunshot and hit the male assassin in the right arm. It had a dragon tattoo on the right arm when I accidentally tore the dress to grab him and he quickly left.
When I turned around I saw Neth holding a gun. I didn't know he had a gun or he knew how to use a gun," Audrei explained what happened and glanced at the man behind us.
"We helped Judelyn, she was crying in fear and pain. We would have taken her to the hospital but she refused. Her voice was full of resistance so we brought her here to the place she said. Her last word before fainting was someone wants to kill me of this ... I took hold of her ring with a strange design of the root surrounding it." Audrei handed the ring she had been holding to me.
Venice checked that ring carefully. It was slightly larger than a peso coin and had a circle made of gold on it. Thick 50 centimeters and 500 centimeters wide. Historical ring? Legendary ring ? she asked herself. It"s not just the type of ring if she was right it has great value. A great value? Could it be why the assassin wanted to take the ring for that reason?
The ring is important, it has value so the assassin has to take it from the woman. Why did he need to kill her and why didn't Judelyn give it to the man?
"Did Judelyn say anything about why it wanted to take and kill her?" Venice stared at the two.
"Nope," Netheniel and Audrei said at the same time. Both took the same doctorate except for the year of the course because Netheniel was a 3rd-year college student so they were able to deal with Judelyn's wounds on the body.