Ch. 9 The Butterfly Can Talk!?

Aria waited for her breathing to return to normal before taking out a map to find out where the White Bridge Pack was.

She stored the map in a plastic bag so that the map was not damaged and still in good condition.

After that, she walked along the red line according to her best friend's suggestion. As Meryl said, there was almost no guard on the path as if the pack felt sure that no one would pass through this route.

Unfortunately, the night breeze was so hostile that it made her shiver with cold.

Aria felt tired, and her body felt like it was covered with snow piles, making her whole body numb. Aria hugged herself with both hands, and every time she exhaled, she could see cold steam escaping from her mouth.

"Vlin… der… It's… too… cold…." Aria was still trying to walk even though her knees were itching to rest.

As if she could hear Vlinder's voice, she heard a sarcastic voice in her head.

'I told you it's dangerous out here.'

Yes, she knows. Aria was used to the standard air pressure and vibe in the mortal realm. Ordinary humans needed adaptation for a few days before settling in another domain because the air pressure and the environment in other realms were much more intense than in the mortal realm.

Even though Aria was a half-fae, Aria's build had lived in the mortal realm for as long as she remembered. Not only that, but she never used her powers because she thought she was only human.

Even though she wanted to use her power, Aria didn't know how to do it. Hell! She even didn't know whether her blood would be mainly human or the fae.

If her domain gene were a human, it would be highly possible that she didn't have any powers.

Paying no heed to the sarcastic voice inside her head, Aria continued walking without giving up.

It seemed that Vlinder was waiting to hear a word of surrender from Aria, but the girl was exceptionally stubborn, and no one could change her tough decision.

The butterfly flew over Aria's head and flew around her while descending downwards, causing golden sparkles to surround Aria's entire body spirally.

At the same time, Aria felt a warmth cover her head and spread throughout her body as golden sparkles shone on her body.

Aria's footsteps stopped, and she slowly opened her arms questioningly. What happened to her?

She was sure she had been shivering from the cold before, but now her body was back to normal as if she had never been cold?

"Eh? I'm not shivering anymore?" Aria glanced at the butterfly flying above her.

'Did… that magical butterfly help me?'

Aria giggled happily and walked quickly after Vlinder without limping. Because she didn't feel cold anymore, Aria could walk smoothly and even run after the butterfly.

When they arrived near the boundary line of the White Bridge Pack's territory, Vlinder asked her to hide behind a tree. Not long after, Aria heard the same voice inside her head.

'Once you enter their territory, they will smell you and realize an intruder has entered their territory.'

Hmm? Why can Aria now hear Vlinder's voice?

"You can talk? Why am I only now hearing your voice?"

'Is it important?' The butterfly shot right in front of Aria's eyes, making her step back in shock.

Isn't Vlinder just an ordinary butterfly? Why did she feel an inevitable authority emanating from that butterfly?


'Now, listen to me. I will mask your smell and make you invisible. But I can only do it until in front of the Alpha's house, and I can't go any further than this dividing line. You're on your own now.'

"Okay?" Aria was too stunned to think of anything.

She knew she could communicate with Vlinder without hearing that magical creature's voice. Aria never thought that one day her head would be filled with voices that belonged to none other than Vlinder!

And now the butterfly gave her a series of instructions like Aria was this butterfly's minion.

Really, what kind of butterfly has been accompanying her all this time?

'Good. Now stretch your arms to the sides.'

Aria immediately did as she was told and allowed the butterfly to circle her body once more. It didn't take long for Aria to see that her body had become transparent to the point where she herself couldn't see her hands.

'Done. Now go and get the ointment. You only have thirty minutes before my spell wore off.'

"Roger that." Aria immediately jumped past the boundary line of the White Bridge Pack's territory.

One of the werewolves noticed something was crossing the boundary of his area, but he found nothing except a gust of wind. Unbeknownst to the guard, Aria had run past him quickly, making the werewolf's head turn backward.

Why did he feel that someone was running past him?

Thinking that there was no one, the warrior turned his gaze towards the border to do his guard job.

Meanwhile, Aria smiled happily because it was the first time she felt like she was floating. She never knew she could run as fast as a car that made her feet fly off the ground.

It felt like she had a pair of wings and could fly high into the sky.

Before this, she had never run this fast before… or maybe she could run like this thanks to Vlinder's help… who knows.

For now, she focused her attention on finding the location of the new white Alpha's room without being caught.

Aria didn't know where the white Alpha's room was, and just as she was about to enter through the back door, Aria heard two people talking and realized she could see her hands!

Shouldn't she still have time?

Having no other choice, Aria spun around and climbed a tree and hid there for a while.

Her schoolmates often bullied Aria, and she never let them all win all the time. She figured out how to escape over time by climbing on a tree and hiding there where no human kid could find her.

That's why Aria was an expert at climbing trees. She could even reach the top of a tree branch with her eyes closed.