Ch. 10 Sneaking To The Alpha King's Room

After making sure that Aria didn't hear any noise around her, Aria prepared to jump down. But she dropped her intention when she saw a balcony on the second floor.

The location of the balcony was parallel to her footing branch tree.

Rather than sneaking in through the back door, where there was a risk of being caught by the house owner, isn't it better to sneak in through this balcony?

With that thought, Aria walked like a crab to the side. Then she jumped and landed on the balcony perfectly.

Her adrenaline was rising as if she was taking part in a tense competition. No. More precisely, her current role was that of a thief who intended to take a valuable object in this house.

Aria would unquestionably be put in an underground dungeon if anyone caught her. Or worse… she would lose her head!

Aria shook off the negative thoughts and continued her actions. She opened the door connecting this balcony to a room slowly without making a sound.

The thief girl exhaled a relief sigh as soon as the door opened without making a sound, and her feet went inside with her heart beating fast.

Aria knew this was a mistake, and she shouldn't be sneaking around and stealing something that didn't belong to her. But she had no choice, and her only 'family' was on the verge of death. Aria would rather herself die than suffer a painful loss.

As soon as her eyes got used to the darkroom, Aria became motionless in the place. She saw that there was a king-size bed and neatly arranged masculine furniture filling this room.

It took only one glance, and Aria immediately recognized that this room was a bedroom! Judging from the furniture, following the young lad style design, Aria guessed this room was none other than the new white Alpha room!

Did she hit the jackpot by jumping on the balcony? Who would have thought she would go straight into the room she was looking for in one try?

Thank you, goddess of fortune. Thank you, god of the four realms, and thank you for anyone who helped her sneaked in without any obstacle—screamed Aria in her heart.

Without wasting time, Aria directly looked for the otherworldly ointment in every corner of the room. She didn't forget to return the things she took so the room owner wouldn't feel suspicious.

Aria didn't care if the white Alpha would smell her in this room. Even though the white Alpha tried to trace her, Aria felt sure the smell would disappear once she dived into the ocean.

After opening every drawer on the Alpha's study table and finding nothing, Aria decided to walk towards a sliding door. She opened the door and was surprised to see so many clothes hanging in every cupboard.

This room was where Alpha's clothes were stored and not a suitable place for her to enter. Alpha would probably hunt her down to decapitate her if he smelled her scent filling his most private area.

Aria decided to glide the sliding door back and look for the lotion elsewhere. But her eyes caught something before her hand moved to pull the sliding door.

She saw a small ancient chest on top of a display case containing various watches and belts. Aria didn't care about bulky watches that were too masculine for her taste, nor men's belts. Aria was more interested in the mysterious ancient chest that seemed to be calling her.

Without thinking, Aria stepped into the dressing room without caring whether her scent would fill the cabin or not.

Her hand moved to touch the surface of the antique chest and opened it. Aria saw a container containing a lotion with a silver lid decorated with a white pearl.

Was this… the ointment she was looking for?

Aria quickly closed the small chest again and walked out to return to where Vlinder was waiting for her.

After confirming that the Alpha's things were in their original place, Aria went out onto the balcony and closed the balcony door. Then she jumped back onto the tree branch and down after making sure there was no one around.

Aria dashed from tree to tree to hide. When the distance was far from the Alpha's residence, Aria realized her body was invisible again!

It seemed like Vlinder's spell on her became useless as soon as she entered the Alpha residence area.

After finding herself out of sight, Aria ran outside without hiding until she saw Vlinder.

"Vlinder! I got it! This is it, right?" Aria took out a receptacle the size of a tennis ball to Vlinder to make sure she didn't take the wrong thing.

'Yes. That's right.'

Vlinder's answer made Aria squeal in joy. "Let's go home!" without waiting for Vlinder's response, Aria sprinted down the path she came from and headed straight for the ocean.

At the same time, Lyodreck had just returned from his sweet date with Leticia, and his mood was instantly ruined when he saw his mother sitting in the living room with her hands folded in front of her chest.

Ugh! He knew his mother was angry right now because Lyod had not shown up at any single mortal girl's house all day.

"Lyod. You do realize that I painstakingly prepared today's event to find your mate, right?"

"Yes, mother. I know. But I still don't want to have a human mate."

"You will come of age in a few days, and if you don't have a Luna by your side at that time…."

"I already have a Luna."


"It's Letti. I will marry her in the future, and she will stand by my side."

"But, she is not your mate."

"I like her. And you love her," replied Lyod in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You like her, but you don't love her." refuted the Luna.

"…" for a moment, Lyod couldn't answer.

It is true. Lyod didn't love his childhood sweetheart because he was sure his heart wouldn't ache too much if she had left him.

"At least she is the one I chose over other girls."

There is no doubt nor hesitation in his bright golden eyes to make his beloved mother sigh helplessly.