Ch. 11 Taboo Bond

"Don't be so stubborn, Lyod. You will regret your decision once you find your mate. The mate bond is unbreakable and hard to avoid. Once you find the one…."

"Mother, please. I'm tired. I know what I'm doing."

There is no way he would let any weakling human girl by his side, let alone seize his heart and become his weakness. He will not allow his rival pack to take advantage of the opportunity to kidnap and capture his weakling Luna and make him do whatever his enemy requires him to do.

Having Letti, a strong female werewolf by his side, was a wise choice. Letti knew he couldn't love her, but Lyod could give his full attention and dote on her as long as she didn't betray him.

They had already talked about this, and Letti had agreed with him. No one, including his own mother, could change his unbreakable and determined decision.

"Alright, if you said it like that. I won't force you to find your mate in the mortal realm. But… I'm curious about something. Have you ever thought about the possibility that your mate is another creature? For example, she might be a fae or the elves living in the fairy kingdom?"

"… I don't think I've heard of a werewolf having a mate from another realm."

"It's because it was a taboo to mention it. But… your ancestor once belonged to a fairy kingdom. Your great granny's great-grandmother was a water fae with long white hair. Thus you and your father inherited her white hair causing your feral form in white fur. Ever since the white-haired fae married to this pack family, her offspring would have white hair and control the ocean."

So that explained why he could breathe underwater. Thought Lyod in his mind.

"Why is having another creature mate such a taboo topic to discuss?"

Luna Courtney sighed resignedly at this. "Many people out there are jealous of us and tried to force their way into the fairy kingdom to mate with the female faes. It was chaos, and the war between the fairy kingdom and our realm happened."

Lyod had heard of this battle but never knew what led to the conflict that killed many victims.

"In the end, the lords agreed to execute everyone who rebelled and concealed this fact. They even forbade the werewolf to enter the fairy kingdom again, and even though there was a peace treaty between the four realms, all the fae race hates us."

Lyod was interested in hearing his ancestor's story, which had been hidden from him. He has been an Alpha for almost three years, even though his father still holds the final say before the Alpha inauguration ceremony is officially done.

In the three years he had been helping his father fulfill the duties of an Alpha, Lyod had never heard of why his fur turned white once he came of age.

He had been wondering why only his pack had white fur while the other Alphas had black ones. He also wondered why he could breathe underwater and loved to swim in the ocean while other Alphas couldn't be like him.

Now he knows the answer.

"Well, I couldn't deny it that I would like the idea to have a fae mate. But if it's according to what you said just now, isn't it hard for me to come to the fairy kingdom to find my mate. Maybe they will start another war once I mention finding my mate in their kingdom."

"Yeah. They would do it with no doubt." Luna laughed in response to her son's words.

"Looks like you won't be able to find your mate anytime soon. You may introduce Letti as your lover, but marrying her is too rash."

"I already promised her to mark her on my birthday night."

"Lyod," Luna Courtney didn't hide her displeasure when she called out her son's name. "Don't be in haste. You can date her or bring her to every meeting you have, but you can never mark her."

"But, mother."

"You can have sex with her, but you can't mark her. That's a final."

"…" How can he have sex without marking her?

Every werewolf instinct, especially an Alpha like himself, would feel like biting his partner's neck in a possessive way and marking her as his.

His beloved mother was literally being ridiculous to the point he could no longer stay with her.

In the end, Lyod got up and decided to go to his room after saying a 'good night' to his mother.

Lyod walked towards his room while climbing the stairs to the second floor with full thoughts of his mother's words.

He had promised Letti to mark her on his birthday night, but Lyod began to feel that his decision was a bit rash after hearing his mother's words.

He should not have made that promise and waited for his mate to arrive longer. After all, even if there was no Luna by his side, there was still his mother.

'You have to find your Luna to replace me. How long are you going to keep me from being Luna here? I want to spend the rest of my life with my husband.'

Lyod sighed as he recalled his mother's words urging him to travel throughout the werewolf realm to find his mate.

Three years ago, Lyod and his mother were very excited to visit the other packs one by one in hopes of meeting the girl who would become the White Bridge Pack's future Luna.

They stayed in each different pack for a whole week without any satisfactory results.

After three years of searching for his mate, Lyod decided to give up because he was sure his mate was not a werewolf.

If a werewolf couldn't find his mate in this realm, it only meant two things. Either his mate was another creature in other realms, or the girl was still not born into this world.

Nevertheless, a werewolf's mate should appear sooner or later once he reaches eighteen.

Lyod arrived in front of his bedroom door, still thinking about his rash decision. He opened his bedroom door, and an alluring sweet aroma hit his nostrils, causing his steps to a halt.

'What is this smell?'