Ch. 12 His Mate Was In His Room!

Lyodreck became motionless in his place at the unfamiliar yet intoxicating fragrant that came from his room. He felt sure he had never smelled a scent so strong that it made his wolf purred in delight like this.

Lyod walked into his room and closed the door while taking deep breaths to enjoy the sweet chocolate-like smell.

It was making him burn in a passion he never knew he had. His wolf groaned as if he was excited to take control of his body and find out the source of this irresistible scent.

The sweet smile was like his favorite chocolate milk mixed with the coffee he drank every morning. He felt he was standing on a vast expanse with the night wind blowing soft fur in his feral form.

It was too overwhelming to the point to make him not feel tired anymore.

'Her fragrance will be your addiction, and it would be hard not to see her every minute and every second.'

Lyod recalled what his mother said when he asked her how he would know once he met his mate. Yes, he became addicted to this scent, but his addiction was way beyond his control.

Lyod didn't know what his mate's face looked like and hadn't met her in person, but his heart, mind, and even his wolf longed for the owner of this scent.

Who? Who has entered his room? Lyod moved to look for the figure of someone… or whoever was hiding in his room. His heart was broken, followed by his wolf's whine when he realized no one was in his room.

Lyod followed the path of his mate's smell and opened the sliding door to his wardrobe. He felt himself going crazy because the same smell had gathered in his closet so strongly.

It was too maddening to the point he would lose his mind if he couldn't see her right at the moment. Alas, he found no one inside his huge cloth space.

Lyod traced another scent line and realized the direction of this scent was coming from his balcony door. Lyod quickly opened the balcony door to follow the intoxicating fragrance.

Regardless of his image as an Alpha, Lyod jumped down from the balcony to follow the scent. The sweetest, alluring smell invited his wolf to sing under the moonlight.

It was the first time his wolf became so active inside his mind, and he felt very sure the girl who had infiltrated his room was indeed his mate.

His heart was pounding at a crazy speed, and a toothy happy grin was plastered on his warrior god-like face. He even hummed with his wolf singing along his tracing, but his steps stopped when he realized the smell of his mate faded as soon as he left his house area.

His wolf cried whiningly, and his jaw clenched in frustration.

"Calm down. It's still here." Lyod tried to calm himself and concentrate his sense of smell on a scent that had become his addiction.

As soon as Lyod calmed down, the golden eyeballs in his eyes became even more gleaming, and as if he could see a color in a smell, Lyod could see a pink color straight ahead.

Reflexively, his feet moved and ran, following the color, hoping that he would soon meet his mate.

The fact that his mate was in the werewolf realm, doesn't that mean his mate is a werewolf? Thinking of this possibility burned Lyod in excitement, and in an instant, his body turned into a white wolf regardless of his torn clothes lying on the ground.

His four paws continued to run with great leaps until he arrived at the shore where the vast ocean was in front of him.

His footsteps stopped, and his metallic golden eyes began to shine brightly as he gazed at the open sea.

His intelligent mind searched for clues to his mate's true identity. An ordinary werewolf wouldn't walk into the ocean recklessly. Even though they could swim and hold their breath for a long time underwater, they would still avoid the sea.

Lyod remembered that another portal entry was also found in the ocean beside the portal door leading to the other realm near Crespool Woods.

Apart from the water fae of the fairy kingdom, no one could dive to the bottom of the ocean to activate the portal door. And the fae races hated werewolves to the bone, so it would unlikely they would lay their feet on his realm.

That's why the pack warriors rarely guard this area

If his mate managed to survive diving into the ocean and pass through the portal, that means… his mate was a water fae!

Does that mean the portal in this ocean is the link between this realm and the fairy kingdom? He had a fae ancestor, after all.

"Well, there's only one way to find out." Lyod has changed to his stark naked human form, but he gave no care.

He walked into the ocean with leisurely steps until the waves carried his whole body. As soon as his entire body was covered by water, a bluish light shone on Lyod's body, and miraculously, a blue robe covered his nakedness.

Lyod smirked at what happened to his body and thought it was his supreme power. It had never happened before, and he felt he was on top of the world.

Soon he would be twenty-one, and his powers would reach their peak, making him do anything his father ever did, and no other Alpha could imitate what he did.

Lamentably, all the achievements and uniqueness will be meaningless if there is no one by his side. He needs his mate… he needs his Luna to stay by his side all the time.

Lyod dived deeper without difficulty as he could breathe underwater, and his wolf jumped in joy when he saw the circular ring at the bottom of the ocean. The Alpha touched his hand towards the portal door and promptly passed the blue light of the portal entrance.

He thought he would meet the clearer and cleaner water and appear in the fairy kingdom. He was puzzled by the cloudy water and foul water.

With stomping his feet on the ground, Lyod swam up until his head popped to the surface. How surprised he was that he arrived in the mortal realm!