Ch. 72 Aria Is A Princess?

"Why don't you shift like them?" Aria couldn't help but ask.

"I need to communicate with you in case we encounter a dangerous situation. You will not understand what I am saying in my feral form."

That makes sense.

Aria's heart skipped a beat as she started to enter her residential area. It was late at night, but not too late to create an eerie silence as if they were in a cemetery.

The wolves' leaping pace slowed until they all stopped in front of Aria's house.

Lyod lowered Aria slowly. Just as Aria was about to run to enter her house, Lyod restrained the girl.

"Wait. Let me in first."

"But..." Aria wanted to protest but swallowed her words once she saw a sharp gaze as if telling her there was no negotiation.

Aria felt she was no longer in control of her body for a moment. Her mind told her to rebel because she was anxious about Rousell.