Ch. 238 The Last Step

Unlike before, Aria did not fall unconscious as soon as she returned to the floating island. She only needed an hour to recuperate so she could resume this trial.

'Remember how the sun emerges and goes every day.' Through the process just now, Aria fully grasped this sentence's meaning.

The sun rises every morning and will continue to move until it sets in the evening. Even if it disappears, it doesn't mean the sun will never appear the next day.

No matter how often the sun rises, it will set. And no matter how often the sun disappeared, it would reappear the next day.

Aria understood that no matter how hard she tried, her stamina and mental strength would definitely be drained. But just as the sun would rise the next day, her energy would return after resting for a while.

Besides, the rising sun meant the start of a new day, and when Aria finished resting, she gained new defensive power and increased endurance.