Ch. 239 Two Contrastig Figures

For a month, Aria raced from the end of the first rung to the seven hundred and fifty stairs and stopped there to return to the floating island.

The first time she did so, Aria got tired quickly and stopped for a while after crossing the hundredth step. Then she increased her endurance by repeating it several times until she could sprint until she reached the five hundredth ladder without resting.

Aria did so continuously and accelerated her run to penetrate the invisible wall. Once she broke through, there was no turning back for her, and she had to pass the last two hundred and fifty steps to reach the top and complete this first trial.

Unknowingly, a distinctive voice sounded again, telling her she only had a hundred hours left.

Aria ate up twice as much food from the birds as usual. These birds also brought two servings of food as if knowing this would be Aria's last climb.