Ch. 297 Aria vs Dark Aria (part 1)

Aria didn't know what had happened, but she knew she had become helpless in this dark room.

She realized this world had two different spaces. One was bright, and the latter was dark.

As she stood on the bright side, Aria had boundless power, and she felt free. But she felt powerless when she was on the dark side, and her strength was reduced by half.

Furthermore, Aria didn't genuinely hate what had happened in her past while she was on the bright side. She could remember that behind her suffering was a beauty that awaited her.

But once she stood in this dark space, Aria could no longer find the good behind her past suffering.

Instead, she felt the anger of unknown origin and hatred towards the people she should now care for.

What a powerful influence!!

"Now I understand. You are me. My other self." the dark self, to be more precise.