Ch. 298 Aria vs Dark Aria (part 2)

All this time, Aria thought the dark force within her had become tame because she no longer felt its turmoil. Who would have thought it waited for a good chance to overpower her and devour her consciousness?

How did the dark force know that her fourth trial was this?

From the start, both her father and uncle had warned her of the dangers she would have to face while undergoing the god trial.

It was all because she had dark force, the source of dark energy as opposed to the power of light.

Undoubtedly, Aria had to face the rebellion of the dark force and, at the same time, concentrate on completing the trial.

Aria was too relaxed… she underestimated the power of the dark force, for she had never felt its threat when she started the first trial.

When she almost died while completing the first three trials, it was because Aria was willing.