Ch. 345 The Undead Kings

"What are a Wolf Monarch and a Lightgod doing here? This isn't your place." the voice that came out of this creature was broken and stiff. It was as if they had listened to a robot talking.

"We're here to see the gatekeeper. We won't bother you if you don't pester us."

The skull's head tilted slightly, and the purple flames in its eyes enlarged as if it couldn't believe Aria's words.

"You can open the portal yourself. Why do you need the help of the gatekeeper?"

"It's not why we are here," answered Aria firmly without explaining further.

"Then?" probed the creature.

"None of your business." Aria swung her sword sideways once, creating golden flames on the blade. "Move, or I'll extinguish you!"

A sarcastic laugh mixed with scorn escaped from the skeletons that confronted them. The laughter from the other undead creatures who witnessed their interactions resounded.