Ch. 346 Aria's Unnecessary Worry

Aria and Lyod walked deeper and deeper until they saw a cave mouth, and they assumed it was the gatekeeper's dwelling.

Aria didn't know whether the Undead Kings would dare enter this territory or not. If so, Aria would be in trouble if a battle broke out.

She had no idea what kind of power and capabilities the Undead Kings possessed. Aria and Lyod might be able to overpower them, but their goal of wanting to assail Aria was very worrying.

At least three undead kings had already seen through her firelight of sword technique. Even though Aria didn't use all her strength, her fiery light sword was the only technique that could extinguish the undead's fire soul.

On the other hand, Aria's magic skills could not extinguish the fire soul even if those creatures couldn't harm her.

This meant the undead kings were in a more advantageous situation than Aria.