Ch. 352 Upper Realm

By the time Aria opened her eyes, she was in another place. During the proses, she was still concentrating on feeling the flow of warm energy flowing from her palms all over her body. But the loud voice, as if she was in the market, stirred her concentration. Aria froze on the spot, too stunned by what she saw.

The sky above had the mixed colors of the rainbow, and it stole her breath. It gave a warm, serene and peaceful atmosphere as if you are looking at a sunset that gives off purple, orange, and red hues.

The clouds that previously could only be seen from below were now visible everywhere. Some were under her feet, and some were floating around Aria. She felt like she was walking on clouds with various fruit trees that looked delicious.

The clouds surrounding it have various colors, such as pink, yellow, and orange. Aria could even touch it, and oh, how fluffy the clouds were.

"Have you tasted the eternal peaches? They say it keeps us young."