Ch. 353 Non-dark Constitution

Aria was still contemplating the weird change in her body when Johanna called her, bringing her back to reality.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Aria decided not to think about it too much since she had very limited time. She had to continue her quest before the time limit and reunite with Lyod as soon as possible. "Do you know where the light faeries live? Maybe if I met them in person, I would recognize them right away." it was the only way to seek who she was looking for.

"That's a great idea. But just so you know, light faes don't live in the same place." Ignea's explanation stunned Aria as she had expected that all races would have their territories.

In a world with inhabitants of various races, it was common for the same races to occupy the same territory, but it seemed it was another case in this upper realm.