Ch. 371 How Could She Choose

Aria's knees went limp as if someone had sucked her strength out, making her fall to her knees. Aria could still bear it when she faced a choice between herself and her dark self. And she could still choose for herself when she battles the mirror Aria. However, how could she choose between her two babies? It was like she had to choose between her hands or her feet.

Hands and feet had different functions, but they were all equally important. Without feet, she would not be able to walk, run and jump; and without hands, Aria could not write, touch, or hold hands with someone. How could she possibly choose?

"You still have two chances." The voice, still speaking again, brought up a golden door in front of Aria. Nonetheless, Aria did not react—the girl was unable to think. "Think carefully before you go through that door. Remember, your time is limited, and the Supreme Alpha has already started supporting the gate."