Ch. 379 Urgent Matter

"He has a wife?" This was the first time Lyod knew that the celestial fox had a mate since they had never met one.

"He has had a mate for a long time, but the appearance of the lurker 500 years ago tore them apart. We thought a lurker swallowed his mate, but Fane insists that his mate is still alive in another world. Unfortunately, all of us were trapped in the Beast world and couldn't get out. Even though the exit is in the Underworld, we can't go there since we have a celestial body. Knowing that his mate is still alive and finally able to reunite is happy news. Alpha King, Lady Aria, what will you do after this?"

"I plan to spend the rest of my life with Lyod and the kids. After all, I'm not allowed to meddle in mortal matters. Once the kids can live independently, Lyod and I will seclude ourselves in a place."