Ch. 380 Reunion With The Chavau Princesses

Day after day, month after month, until summer has arrived. The portal in the werewolf world opened wide, letting various beings from the twelve realms come to this place—one of them was the Chavau family.

The two princesses of the Crimson Fox giggled enthusiastically and couldn't wait to meet Aria. They both came together with their respective spouses.

"This is my first time coming to the werewolf world." Miguel, Tracy's mate, breathed fresh air into the werewolf world.

"Me too." Clinton, Krista's mate, darted at the unfamiliar sight with awe. "Looks like this is the first time we've stepped out of the Beast realm since the portal seal was broken."

"It's your fault." Tracy smacked her mate lightly on the shoulder with her eyes full of humor. "If you didn't insist on staying and complying with our request, wouldn't we have already explored twelve realms by now?"