Chapter 1: Full Moon Friday

It's my birthday on Friday and a full moon. This is a big deal for my people. They take tradition very seriously. In human years I look about 25 with brown long hair and green eyes, but in werewolf years, I'm turning 150 years old. This is the year I find my soul mate. My name is Ohimesama Mari Mangetsu. Which means Princess Mari of the Full Moon. And that's what I am, the Princess of the Full Moon Pack. Original, I know. We are the largest pack in North America, and every wolf knows my name and calls me Princess Mari. My human friends know me as Mari Anget, the funny rich girl, with a very odd family. I work at a large company with one of my two best friends.

For as long as I can remember its been me and Rivers, the two wolves against the world, until he took a job overseas and left me to fend for myself in this crazy big city. I had to become Ms. Independent over night. I was so use to having help, that when Rivers and I moved to the city, I depended on him for everything. He promised to stay until I got a job. Which I did, about a month after we moved out here.

I've always loved writing and thought how great it would be to work for a magazine company. I was so proud I got the job at Cosmo on my own. No family connections, or favors from my father the Alpha King. Of course I'm not the only wolf in the company, but I am the only one in this office. Wolves normally don't live in big cities. The loud sounds, bright lights, and surrounded by humans everywhere is not an ideal living situation for when we turn, but my love for writing out weighs these obstacles. It's here that I met Amelia; my human bestie for the last two years. We write about women's rights and issues. O.K. TBH I work on that part, and Amelia works on self-care topics and makeovers. Ugh, she's so excited for my birthday makeover, and by excited I mean overly obsessed and extremely annoying.

This year I'm going to visit my mother's pack to celebrate my birthday and all the royal families have been invited. Rivers included. My mother's pack lives on a large island in the pacific, so I've requested four days off from work. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Monday. I've got a full weekend to shake hands with all the eligible boys to find my mate.

It's Monday morning before my big trip, and I can hear my new coworker Drake asking for Friday off. Time off is encouraged here, to keep our creative minds flowing. Drake is still super new, but he needs Friday off or a big family reunion. I bet his family is just as good looking as he is. Drake is the office eye candy with his short brown hair and blue eyes. He's also funny and charming. But this is the 4th full moon he's asked for off. I can smell he's not a wolf, but I can hear his heart beat faster when I walk by him. He messes with my wolfy senses. Being a wolf, I come with heightened senses and super speed. Being an Alpha King's daughter I also come with super strength and the ability to heal quickly. The Moon Goddess has also given me the power to heal others. Not every wolf gets a gift. I was blessed at a very young age. Even with all my extras, I still can't figure out Drake. There's something really off.

He stays away from anything silver, he requests every full moon off, and he looks picture perfect. Did I mention, all wolves are in shape and fit? It's in our DNA. Lucky right, well kinda, I could do without the unwanted attention. Blending with the humans, I often have to dress down with very little make-up. Such a total burden, jk. Makes leaving the house super easy. Wait, back to Drake. He's able to retain loads of information without writing it down. I can't even do that one. If ever we have a trivia night, I want to be on Drake's team.

Text: "Are you sure he's not a wolf?"

replies Rivers as I gave him the deets of the most recent Drake request off.

Text:" Or do you secretly want him to be one? 🙊 🐺🙈"

Text Reply: "Ha ha ha, funny. 😡Jerk, but I still miss you." I text Rivers back and he says he misses me back, but in his own way.

Text: "I'll see you Friday 😘 " -Rivers

I did miss Rivers. As I reminisced about our past and running free, I was interrupted with "Hey Mari!"

I look up and say "Hey Drake", as he continues to walk by me.

"What the actual eff" Amelia silently lips in my direction.

Throwing my shoulders up with the IDK look. He has never said hi to me before. Not that I mind, I could look at that smile all day and be content.

Amelia comes running over and asks "Should we ask him to lunch? "

"If you want to?" I reply with a bit of blush now noticeable on my face.

"If YOU want to. I would die to have him next to me. I wonder if he's single" says Amelia

"Eli, Oh Em Gee. It was just a Hi". I retort

"Hi my ass." Amelia calls out, as she continues with "That was a 'Hey, pretty lady. Wanna have my babies?', kinda Hi"

"Gross!" I tell her, "It is only Monday morning and way too early for office gossip"

"Lies, it's never too early for office gossip. Go ask him already. Say we're going out for ramen or something" she says as she walks back to her desk. I shake my head and pull up the office messenger.

Mari: Hey Drake, Amelia and I were going to check out the new burger restaurant on the rooftop near sky lounge, MOOving On Up. I hear it has a stellar view. Would you like to join us?


(five minutes later)

That sounds great. What time are you heading out :Drake

Mari: Does 1pm work for you?

Yeah, should I meet you at the elevators at 1 :Drake

Mari: Sure, that's perfect. See you soon.

Great. I let Amelia know and her face lit up like Christmas. She grabs my arm and off to the testing room we go. Her makeover dreams and my nightmares are about to come true.