Chapter 2: Should Of Had Ramen

Have you ever seen the part in Devil Wears Prada where she walks around and someone picks out fabulous clothes for her? This was nothing like that. This was not fun, it was all business for Amelia. She took her makeovers seriously, because she would write about them in next month's articles. Amelia decided it was time for burgundy highlights. My wolf was going to hate this, but I agreed as this was semi-permanent dye and would wash out after four weeks. My current hairstyle is what's known as the "wolf cut" , I laughed when I got it, thinking how fitting it really is. Its like a layered shag cut with bangs. I've always hated bangs, so I make sure they're just long layers in the front like curtain bangs. I have Gen-z to thank for these new hairstyle names. After the highlights were in, she did two Dutch braids with a split middle on the top and wrapped the rest into a high pony. Pulling a few strands out to give me a more bohemian look. I loved it. I loved my new look. If only I knew how to braid my own hair.

I wish Amelia could come home with me and celebrate my birthday. Unfortunately, humans are not allowed. They shouldn't even know about us, but there are a few who do. These humans are protected in my pack and have gone through vigorous training to make sure the secret stays a secret. Some wolves never find their mate and fall in love with a human. It happens from time to time. That human needs to prove worthy before they are allowed to enter the pack. This is done through various tests. If the human does not pass, they are killed. Totally barbaric, but that's tradition. Royals, however, were not allowed to take a human mate. They had to be wolf. They could be bitten or born, but must be wolf. All royal off-springs must be full wolf, and for this reason, only a royal may bite and turn a human. Doesn't mean the human would live through the turn. It's a risk. When a wolf turns 150 years old, their mate detection or wolfy senses as I like to call them are turned on. A simple touch and you know. This was my year. I would find a mate.

"Earth to Mari" Amelia says, quickly snapping me out of my day dream.

"Sorry, what was that? I was admiring my beautiful new hair" I say back. I don't tell her my butt was numb and I had to pee, because she looked like she was ready to claw my face.

Oh my god, my face. I looked at myself in the mirror in disbelief. The scar below my chin from one of my first fights was gone. There was no make-up or foundation on my face.

"How" I said out loud.

"Magic" she replies

"Magic" I repeat breathlessly

"No, silly. I used the vitamin E drops mix with inflammation reduction and...." her words drifted out of my head as I looked deep into the mirror and said "Magic".

She laughed and grabbed my arm, "This is why you're my best friend" Amelia stated.

Smiles on our faces we head back to the office.

"Listen Mari," Amelia began "I don't think I can come to lunch today. I really want to write this article about the new cream we just used. I'll probably pick up some ramen in an hour, but Tuesday night drinks on me! Don't say no, it's your Birthday week. Kisses"

She lets go of my arm as I frown. I grab my bag from my desk and head to the elevators. Our office is on the second floor. Most of us use the stairs as the elevators can take forever to call down.

There he is, Drake. I walk over to him and say hello.

"You look great!" He says.

"Thanks. Amelia needed to try out new products."

"Oh, and where is Amelia?" Drake asks.

"She couldn't make it. Last minute work stuff. " As I point to my hair and we both fake laugh.

"Have you ever been to this place before?" I ask.

"No, actually I've never been to the roof. between us, I don't like elevators and 50 floors is a lot of stairs." Just as he finishes that sentence the elevator doors open and 1 other person is already in.

"After you scaredy cat.." as I motion my hands towards the open doors. A big smile on his face as he steps in.

Drake leans over and asks "Are you a cat person or a dog person?". Wolf I say loudly in my mind.

I reply with "I love all animals and I wish for world peace" in my best Miss America voice.

The girl behind us giggles.

"Oh, alright. Game on sassy pants"

We smile as the door beeps and opens on the 27th floor. "Have a good day" Drake tells the girl behind us, as she steps out, with the biggest smile.

"I'm sure you just made her whole week, with that amazing smile" I tell him. OMG am I flirting? What is going on with me?!? This is so embarrassing. Just shoot me now.

"You think my smile's amazing?" he says as he looks directly at me. I can feel my face turning red and I look away. If only Amelia gave me a don't be weird reduction serum instead.

How has this become the longest elevator ride of my life.

We finally reach the top and grab a table for two. As we put in our orders I notice he ordered the impossible burger. So I ask, " Are you by chance a vegetarian?"

"Sometimes" he says and I look at him with a questioning gaze. He continues, "I try to be. It's hard because my family members are big meat eaters. They own many farms where they raise grass-fed cows for consumption."

"That's actually pretty interesting. I've visited many farms in the past and know the hard work that goes into maintaining it." I say.

Drake replies "Well, they own them, but they've never worked the farm."

We both laugh at the way he said it. Like his family is more spoiled than... me.

I excuse myself to use the restroom and when I get back, it looks like he paid.

"You did not just pay, when I invited you out." I scold him.

"Who me? No, I just... ok you got me. I paid. I overheard it was your Birthday. Think of this as a birthday gift."

"My birthday is Friday. Is that why you said Hi to me today?" I ask

"Can't a scaredy cat say hi sometimes?"

We both laugh and get up to walk over to the elevators. We step in as the doors open and it's just us.

Just as I invite him to come out Tuesday night, the elevator stops and the lights turn off. WTF is happening.

Quickly I hit the help button and hear a loud crash. My ears perk up. I can hear Drake's heart speeding up, like it's going to come right out of his body.

Drake panics, "Whh whh where are you Mari? Are you hurt?"

"Drake, we're ok. Seems like there might have been a tiny accident, but I'm sure they will get us moving again shortly." I say trying to comfort him with words. I can see in the dark he is reaching out for me, but because of my abilities I'm very careful with who I touch. I step back.

Drake still reaching out " I don't want to die Mari. I waited so long, so very long, that I can't die now."

WTF is he babbling about? His tearful face says it all, the results are in Drake is100% NOT a wolf.

"Drake you big baby, chill out, and what do you mean you've waited so long? For this job?"

Drake unable to stand, is now on the floor holding his knees.

"You'll never understand Mari. You've had everything handed to you. A girl like you would never understand what it's like to be an outcast in your own home."

He's right. I wouldn't know, but how does he know that. Who is this guy? The elevator stays silent as I try and listen in to the people exiting the building. We're closer to the 44th floor. Seems a car crash outside, no inside caused this. Something doesn't feel right. I grab my phone, but no service. I try the elevator phone and it just keeps ringing. My last resort, I mind link my father. He's the only one I can link from this far away.

"Father, somethings not right. I'm in a stuck elevator at work."

Alpha King: "I will send my men. They will come get you."

"Father, there is a human with me."

I say so wolves don't scare him even more. I want to tell him, there's something about the human that doesn't add up, but that would only lead to integration.

Alpha King: "They are in the building."

"Thank you Father"

Alpha King: "Anything for you my princess"

My father is a vicious, extremely traditional man, that will kill in the blink of an eye, but when he loves, he loves with his whole soul. My brother and I grew up in a house full of love. Mother and Father are true mates. They found each other the day Mother turned 150 (25 human years). She taught father love. I never met my Grandfather, but I heard he was ruthless. He would kill wolf pups for any deformities, pure or hybrid. He ruled with pure hate. During The Great War between our kind and vampires, he was killed. My Grandmother was not his true mate. He picked her from a line of royals. She complied. My father says she was never happy, until the day her grandchildren were born.

I could smells the wolves were near.

"Help, in here" I yell, playing the part. I knew they knew exactly where I was.

Pack members also Firemen begin to open the doors. One jumps in and bows with his head, as I acknowledge him with a slight nod.

"Get him out first" I order. After he's out, I jump up on my own and the fireman follows.

"This way" he says as they usher us towards the stairs. Drake still wrapped in a blanket starts to head down the stairs as the Fireman stops him and points up. We head the six floors up to the rooftop and just like Father would, there was a helicopter waiting for us. I pull out my phone to text Amelia, but she beat me to it.

Text: Mari, you ok?

Text: Where are you?

Text: Mari answer me!

Text: Mari I'm scared. Where are you?

Text: Please say you're ok?

Text reply: Eli I'm fine. We were stuck in an elevator and now were being air lifted out. Are you OK? What happened?

Text: Oh thank the universe you are safe. I was going bat sh*t crazy. Yeah, I'm fine, was across the street, picking up my ramen order.

Text: Some crazy man drove his car into the first floor. Is Drake OK?

Text reply: He's fine. Still shaken up, but he'll live. He was saying some pretty crazy things, so I'm going take him to my penthouse. Meet us there.

Text: OMW 💋 - Eli