Chapter 3: Not A Bedtime Story

As I shut the door to my home, I turn and look at Drake. He's not wolf, but what has he waited so long for? I need to confront him before Amelia gets here.

"I'm only going to ask you this once, and you better be straight with me if you want to live to see tomorrow." I say as I walk over to him and place my hand with one claw out pointing to his throat. "What are you?" I ask.

Both his hands go up as a small gasp comes out of his mouth and says "I, I, I thought you were the witch".

The witch? What is he babbling about now?

"No, I am." Amelia says as she crosses the space between the door and the couch. My eyes widen with Drakes and my claw retracts.

I look at her in disbelief as I say her name in a low breath.

"I'm sorry Mari, I wanted to tell you. Your father had me watch out for you when Rivers left. I was only suppose to stay until you got your footing, but I fell in love with this job, and you became my best friend." Amelia said with tears in her eyes. "You're still my best friend and will always be my best friend." she said.

I understood this is what my father does. He brings wonderful people into our lives, but makes us believe we did it on our own. It's frustrating but it was always for our safety. I just don't understand Amelia. She had two years to tell me. Why didn't she?

"Please Mari, please forgive me?" begged Amelia. I don't know what to say. I'll have to think on it. Could I really ever trust her again? I can deal with this later. I quickly change the subject and turn to Drake.

"Drake, why do you need a witch? What are you?"

Drake pauses before he looks up at me and asks, "What are you? With the nails and the scary voice?"

He's making me so mad. I demand, "Tell me now, or die!"

Drake lowers his head, and begins to talk.

"I don't know what I am." He says in a soft voice.

"I'm not human, and born to werewolf parents, but I was born without a wolf."

"How can that be true?!?" Mari questions

"Werewolves are real Mari, just like witches are." Drake hissed.

Amelia and I laughed so hard. Amelia turned to him and said "Oh, she knows. She's the..."

and before she could finish I quickly interrupt with "The same as your parents. I'm also a wolf."

"No way, really? I've never met another werewolf besides my parents and siblings." Drake says.

Amelia and I both sit next to him and ask why he's never met another werewolf. He starts to explain, " Well, while my mother was pregnant with me, my father had helped a few innocent vampires escape during the Great War. The were good people and didn't harm humans. They wanted peace between all people. The Alpha King was outraged simply because they were vampires. He asked that my father and his whole family be killed. A witch who had stopped on the farm to rest, was torn as he could see they were good people. To hide from the Alpha King, the witch turned them all into wolves and every 50 years they may take human form for one full moon. My father knew my mother would have to give birth in wolf form. He reached out to the vampires they had helped, and they promised to find the child a loving home and look after me as I grew old. I may not have a wolf, but I stopped aging a while ago. This will be the 4th time I get to see my real parents and my older siblings. My whole life I've been an outcast. I'm not human, not vampire, and not werewolf. I don't know what I am, but I do know if a witch can turn them, a witch can bring them back and we can get vengeance against the Alpha King and his family. "

"LEAVE!!!" I scream, while throwing my vase across the room. The glass shattered against the wall. Amelia quickly grabs Drake and tosses him into the hallway. She tells him to stay still and don't move.

Amelia walks back towards me.

"Mari, you're OK. He doesn't know what he's saying. No one is doing anything."

" So help me Moon Goddess, if he talks about my family like that again, I will skin him alive and feed his flesh to his parents." I spit as rage flows through my blood and all of me wants to kill him. My claws are out and my teeth are sharp. If Amelia wasn't standing between me and the hallway outside I'd kill him. Amelia must know how sensitive wolves are when you threaten their pack. She's doing her best to calm me down. I can smell the lavender scent radiating from Amelia, and instantly calm down.

This day is just so messed up. I look at Amelia and say "That's enough todaying for today. I'm totally done. I just can't."

Amelia smirks' and replied, "Gurl, pull yourself together. Have a cup of tea and let's regroup tomorrow. We need a night out, and hey look on the bright side, at least we don't have to work tomorrow."

She grabbed her bag and left to meet Drake in the hallway. I needed a bath, a long bath. As I walk over to the bathroom my phone buzzed. It was Rivers.

Text: Mari, are you OK? I just heard what happened. The pack is investigating now. Do you need me to come there?🦸‍♂️

Text Reply: I can't trust anyone! Everyone around me is fake or makes me want to rip their throats out.

Text: What am I, a potato? I'm already at the airport and I'll be there in seven hours Princess.

Text Reply: 🥰 Ty

I turned the bathroom light on and started to fill the tub. I stood in front of the mirror and wow. This whole time I thought I looked like an Urban Outfitters model, when really I looked like the camera stretched reflection at the Target check-out line. I undressed and got in the tub. This day needed to end and it needed to end now.