Chapter 4: Don't Unfriend Me

I woke up to feel big paws begin to wrap around my body. Rivers was here and I was safe. He always feels like home. I take a deep inhale of his pine scent and wiggle closer to him as he hugs me tight. So glad he's got a key to my place. We don't exchange any words. My mind drifts off and I go back to sleep.

Morning comes and I hear Rivers' booming laughter from the kitchen as he finishes up a call. The delicious scent of bacon fills my room. I quickly jump out of bed, race to the kitchen, and jump on my 6'4 best friend from behind.

Rivers laughs and says, "Well, good morning to you to Princess. Seems you're in a much better mood today. Must be the bacon."

I reply with, " I love you, almost as much as I love bacon!!!"

We both laugh as I climb down and take a seat on top of the kitchen island. Rivers turns to look at me with his hazel eyes, sandy brown hair, and perfect smile. He has got these dimples in just the right spots, and that sharp jaw line any woman would melt from. I slap his tattooed sleeved arm realizing now how hungry I am and say, "Feed me bestie, feed me."

His sunrise smile, turns into a devilish grin as he says, "Not until you tell me what happened yesterday?"

As I spill my guts to him, he slowly hands me a piece of bacon. I start to chew as the shock slowly leaves his face and as if he was thinking out loud he mutters, "She's been a witch this whole time???? I slept with a witch?"

"OMG, Rivers is that all you can think about? Not the part where she lost my trust or how my co-worker wants to kill my whole family? Also, it was one time. Let it go." I retort.

"Princess, many people want to kill your family simply because you're royal. It comes with the title and the lineage. Why do you think I was so scared about the accident that happened at the office yesterday? I was so sure someone was trying to run you over. I was relieved to find out, it really was just an accident. If anything happened to you, it wouldn't just be your father on the hunt. I'd go rouge, leave the pack, and make it my life's mission to kill all those involved. It was a smart idea by your father to leave you in the hands of a capable witch, and she didn't have to stay for two years you know. She really does care for you. So she kept one secret from you, didn't you keep one REALLY BIG secret from her??? You know, mmm your WHOLE LIFE maybe? I'd call it even. Especially since she said I was the best she's ever had." Rivers begins to play howl.

"You are soo gross!" I say giving him a disgusted look, jump down, and walk to my room to get ready for the day. Rivers changes into some workout clothes, then sits next to me on the couch and says, "So, what happened over there?" and points to the far end of the room.

I turn to look and my face turns a bit red when I see all the shattered glass on the floor. "Oh, I may have lost my temper." I reply shyly.

Rivers laughs, gets up to find the vacuum, and says, "Princess this isn't a good look for you. Didn't all those fancy classes teach you anything?" he shakes his head and continues "I think you need clear some things up before we can get our day started."

He was right. There were a couple of apologies I needed to make. I figured I would start with the easiest one, Amelia. I pull out my phone to send a text, since the vacuum was pretty loud.

Text: You busy?👋

Amelia: Hey Mari! Not busy at all. You doing OK?

Text: I'm fine. Rivers is here. How are you?

Amelia: Well, I've been thinking a lot about last night, and I really am sorry I never told you. Too much time had past and it just felt so awkward. 🥺

Text: I totally get it. I'm not mad at all. I was a bit hurt when I found out, but you know what this means now?

Amelia: I never meant to hurt you. Please say you're still my best friend?

Text: It means, my bestie can come to my birthday party Friday and meet the fam!!!🥳🥳🥳

Amelia: I wouldn't miss it for all the money in the world. 🎉🎊

Text: You are going to love/hate my big bro. He's so uptight and annoying. And you'll be there should I find my mate. Aww I'm so excited. 😍🐺

Amelia: I don't even know what to pack or what to wear. Where is it exactly?

Text: I can't say. Dress like you were going to be stuck on a Island for 6 days. Don't worry about the ball. I'm sure there will be many dresses for you to pick from.

Amelia: BALL?!!!?!!?!!? 🤯You have to be freaking kidding me.

Text: What did you expect? I'm a Princess turning 150.👸

Amelia: 150? And I was going give you anti-aging cream for your birthday. lol

Text: Is that any way to speak to your elders?👵

Amelia: Ha ha ha. Tell Rivers I say hello.

Text: You can tell him yourself tonight when we go dancing. BTW do you have Drake's number? There's just one more apology I need to make.

Amelia: Yah, sure. Go easy on him Mar. He doesn't know.🙏

Amelia attached the contact information and I saved it to my phone. I was so nervous about this one call. Rivers walks over kisses me on the head, tells me I'm doing a good job, and that he's going for a run in the park near by. I stare at my phone thinking how am I going to explain myself. Should I tell him who I am? Will he hate me? If I wait to call when I'm ready, I'll never call. So pull up his name and hit send on my phone. AHH it's ringing.

"Hello?" Drake answers

"Hi Drake, it's Mari. Is this a good time?" I ask.

"Hey Mari! Sure what's up?"

He says sure what's up? As if nothing happened last night, that he didn't threaten my family and I didn't try and kill him? I roll my eyes and continue,

"I wanted to say sorry for overreacting last night. It was a lot for me to take in. I didn't mean to lose my temper, or threaten to kill you."

He pauses for what seems like a million years, and finally replies with "Don't worry about it. We all have our days. I told Amelia yesterday, wasn't my intention to trigger something. I know being what you are isn't an easy life or secret to keep. I'd be guarded too. I guess I'm lucky in that sense."

Who is this guy. How is he so understanding? This whole time I was so concerned with myself and my secrets, I haven't even acknowledged the hardship on his family.

"Drake, I'm going to do everything I can to help you and your family."

Another long pause. What's with this guy.

"I really appreciate that Mari." He replies in a very soft and meaningful tone.

I spark up and say, " Come out with us tonight. We're heading to a super fab club and you have to come for my birthday."

In a mocking tone, he says" Sure, only because it's "super fab".

"Oh stop", I snap back

"Text me the information, I'll be there."

With that we say goodbye and hang up the phone. I smile, thinking what am I going to wear tonight?