Chapter 6: Nothing Say Welcome, Like An Arranged Marriage

Wednesday morning we boarded the plane. I was excited to see my parents and to see my Mother's previous pack. Poor Amelia was suffering from a bad headache and lack of sleep, so I laid my hands on her to ease it up a bit, while she fell back asleep. I looked over at Rivers who was still reading something on his phone.

"Rivers, what is it?" I ask.

"Nothing Mar, don't worry about it." He replies. It's not like him to keep secrets from me.

"I'm not playing, tell me. What is it? Did something happen?" I ask again.

"Well, last night we were warned about a few rogue wolves that had got in line for the club, but as soon as they heard an Alpha was there, they immediately left. Amelia and I went to go look for them. We weren't sure why they were in Full Moon territory. I shot a quick message to my father, to let the Alpha King know. He was already in a meeting with the Alpha King, being his Beta and all. They were going over security for your birthday party on Paradise Island. Turns out these rogues had slaughtered members of the Crescent Moon Pack. That's why the Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack was in the club. He was waiting for them. Amelia and I joined their team and went hunting. We didn't want to kill your night, but as soon as we heard you locked lips with office tool, we knew you wouldn't miss us. We weren't able to find them, but we know they'll be hiding in the "Big City". Princess, I'm not sure what this means for you. If you'd be able to return until they are found. I know we'll find them soon, but just be extra careful for now."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This was the closest I've ever been to rogues. I've always had lots of protection around me being royal. Our world is ruled by 5 Royal Families. The Moon Family, which is my family, holds all of North America, Europe, and Asia, The Sun Family holds Africa, The Spirit Family holds most of the islands like Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, The Liberty Family holds all of South America, and The Crystal Family holds Antarctica and the North Pole. Within each family, there are multiple territories run by a pack Alpha. A pack Alpha is born into their role, and trained by tradition. Each pack Alpha reports to their Alpha King.

For the most part all families are friendly, or have given a pledge to be friendly. If civil war within the family should happen between packs. It is up to the Alpha King to reside on which side is at fault. It's a lot of pressure, and not everyone is happy with the outcome. If they choose to leave the pack, and not rejoin another, they are considered rogues. This also happens when two packs merge due to marriage or not enough wolves to keep the pack going, those that are not happy will leave. Also, those that have been disloyal to the pack, or means to harm the pack will be kicked out or killed. Rogues are dangerous, as they no longer abide by the common law.

"Did you sleep with him?" Rivers asked and quickly snapped me back to reality.

"What?" I asked back, in shock. How could he be so blunt?

"Just asking, did you sleep with him? Do you like him?" He said with a very honest expression on his face.

"No, I did not, and I'm not sure I think I might like him." I respond

"But, what happens when you find your mate this weekend?" He asked. Rivers made a good point. What would happen? Every relationship I've had, I knew wasn't real. It was just comforting to have a companion, and being a Princess they also knew nothing would last between us, but Drake doesn't know.

"We just kissed. It's no big deal." I say assumingly. We both laughed and ate all the snacks on the plane and took a nap. We were picked up by three large black cars and driven to a big mansion close to a beach. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw my mother standing with the most beautiful lei I had ever seen. I ran to her, and hugged her so tightly. I loved my mom. She placed the lei over me.

My father stepped out of the house and I screamed "DADDY". I know I'm not allowed to call him that in front of other wolves, but I didn't care. He didn't seem to mind either as his big arms lifted me up as if I was a small child and spun me around. I was totally his little girl forever. I could see Rivers giving his parents a big hug and kiss too.

"Father, I believe you are familiar with Amelia?' I said as he put me down.

"Ah, it seems the wolf is out of the bag." He jokingly said and continued with." Hello dear. Thank you again for always looking out for my pup and being such a good friend to her."

"Hello Alpha King, and Queen Luna. Thank you for letting me attend Princess Mari's birthday party. " Amelia said.

"Our pleasure." My mother said,

"Hello, Ms. Amelia, I am the Prince of the Full Moon Pack. It's a pleasure to meet you." My brother says to her, and I can see her eyes do this puppy dog look. Very unusual for Amelia. She took his gloved hand and said, "Likewise. I hope to get to know you better. If you're anything like Amelia, this is going to be a fun adventure." she said with a bright little giggle.

My brother Cayden was a total stuck up jerk, but he was my jerk and I loved him. He seemed to smile back at her and then said, "I am nothing like my little sister. She's a little too immature."

"Hey!! You're only 2 human years older than me!" I scolded him.

"It was the best 2 human years of my life." He replies, and we all start to laugh.

We all went into our rooms to freshen up and get ready for dinner. Sitting at the dinner table my Father announced he had a surprise for me. I was soo excited.

"This is the year my little pup finds her soulmate. Tomorrow, I've planned a cruise for you all on a yacht with the Alpha of the Moonlit Ocean Pack and his family on this island. They will tell you the stories and legends behind the island's magic." I could see my mothers face light up as my father continued.

"It's true magic. Friday, I will let you have time during the day to explore, but Rivers I believe your father would like some time with you, and Amelia I have arranged a spa day and dress fitting for you, while the Princess begins her duties."

"What duties? It's my birthday!!" I exclaim.

In a stern voice my father says, "There is an Alpha I would like you to spend time with. His father and I were very good friends. He recently passed and I believe you two will be a good fit. I have a good feeling, he's the one."

I almost spit out my water. WTF?! First he chooses my best friend and now my mate?!