Chapter 7: Mermaids, Magic, and the Moon

As we set out for a nice cruise, It was me, Rivers, Amelia, Cayden, Mother, Alpha Lu, his beautiful wife Noelani, and his two teenage boys. There were a few staff members as well as the captain. We laid out in the sun joking around. I looked over the ship at the clear blue water, as if it were calling to me. I yearned to touch it, to feel the water on my skin. I asked if we could go for a dip. Captain said we were almost at the cove. That's where we'd have a BBQ for lunch, and said if we could wait a bit longer it would be worth it. I agreed and laid back down to feel the glorious sun and slight breeze. Alpha Lu walked over to us and said, "These waters have many healing powers, it's probably why you are drawn to it princess."

I smiled at him. He was a kind man.

He continued, " A long long time ago, when man first became civilized. There was a young wolf. Who would dream of swimming into the deep ocean. He prayed hard that the Moon Goddess would grant him the ability to swim. The Moon Goddess granted his wish. He could transform into a human on a full moon and swim deep into the ocean. He would swim and swim until the sun came up. A mermaid nearby would watch, and it filled her heart with joy. One night, the mermaid mustered up her courage as she swam beside him. The wolf was overjoyed that he now had a friend who loved the ocean as much as he did. The two were inseparable. The night the wolf could not swim, he would lay by the ocean and watch her dance in the water. The moon light sparkled on her skin and her iridescent tail. She looked at her wolf, and she was in love. Although she could not be with him on land, he had her heart and she had his. Man began to build on the island. It was no longer safe for the wolf or the mermaid to be in the open. They were being hunted. One full moon the wolf ran to the ocean as fast as he could, but was shot before he could reach it. The mermaid cried and cried as there was nothing she could do to save him. She swam to him and pulled herself out of the water and crawled along the beach. Knowing she could die if they spotted her. She did not care. She needed to be with him. Unbeknown to her, this wolf had a pack. The pack came to his aid, and helped push him and the mermaid back into the water. If he were to die, let him die in waves and in the arms of his love. The mermaid held him tight as she cried over him. The blood was mixing with ocean water and soon all around them was red. The mermaid prayed to take her life as well. For it meant nothing without him. A true mate bond between a non-wolf had been created. The ocean felt the energy between the two, and took in this wolf as its own child. It healed him. He was no longer in human form, but a merman. The wolves howled and rejoiced as the two swam into the deep ocean. Legend has it, as a reward, the Moon Goddess granted this pack the ability to shift, and the ability to heal others. Your gift comes from true love, Princess. Love strong enough to save a pack, and build a new life. These waters are your heritage and your roots. Although the Moonlit Ocean Pack is small, we are truly blessed, and grateful you and Cayden are a part of this magic."

Cayden looked at him and said, "Would have been better if that gift was given to me instead."

Amelia wiping tears from her eyes as she leads with emotion, turns to Cayden and says, "Excuse me Prince, but is that jealousy in your voice?"

OMG we all erupt with laughter. No one has ever put Cayden in his place before. This was looking like the best birthday weekend ever.

Cayden scowled and looked away as if giving a pretend tantrum. Amelia puts her hand on his arm and says," I was only…" Something happens. The ship starts to sway hard, and Cayden pulls Amelia close. We all look at them surprised. Did that happen? Right here in the middle of the ocean. What could have moved the boat? Cayden quickly pushes Amelia away. His eyes are red, as if he's in protective mode. Last time I saw his eyes this color, I was very little and had fallen from a tree I was attempting to climb.

"Prince?" Rivers called out as Cayden quickly got up and went below deck. I followed him and told everyone I would be right back.

"Cayden?" I whispered. "I know something's wrong." I could hear him screaming in his head 'this cannot be happening to me'.

"What is it, Cayden?" I ask. "Tell me, please. Are you hurt?" In a low growl, he links with my mind and says,, "It's Amelia. She's my mate." This cannot be possible. A Royal must be mated with a wolf to have wolf offspring. It is the way of our people. We could turn her I thought, but there has never been a wolf witch hybrid. I wasn't sure if she'd die during the transformation, or if she even wanted to be a wolf. Did she feel the same way?

"We're going to figure this out. For now, no one must know. I'll speak with Amelia." I link back reassuring him everything was under control.

I walk back upstairs and all eyes are on me. "Seasick." I said. "He's totally embarrassed."

"Not everyone gets their sea legs." one of the teenagers yells. Everyone starts to laugh again except for Amelia. I walk over to her and ask if she's OK. She tells me she's not feeling very well either. That she wants to lay down below deck. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to let them be alone together, as Cayden was furious.

"Listen, Eli. I need to tell you something." I look her straight in the eyes and she holds my gaze knowing this is serious. I grab her phone and type: YOU ARE HIS MATE.

She looks at me with wide eyes and gasps. "Shhh" I shushed her to keep quiet. Let's not tell anyone just yet. I mouthed to her.

She took her phone back and went downstairs. 'Cayden, you have company.' I linked to him.

As I move back over to the rest of the group. We continue to talk about the upcoming ball and I ask Alpha Lu who is the wolf my dad wants to set me up with. He laughed giving me a big hug. We finally make it to the cove and I go downstairs to let Cayden and Amelia know we were here. Looks like the beast has been tamed. I wake them up as Cayden has his arms around Amelia. I couldn't be happier. Amelia as my sister! The next Queen of the Full Moon Pack. She's going to be amazing. I just know it.

I step out into the water and can feel how cool it is on my hot skin. I want to wrap it around me like a blanket. The staff begins to set up the BBQ as the rest of us jump into the water and begin to splash around. Rivers pretends to be a shark and chases Amelia, myself, and the teens around. He catches Amelia, picks her up, and swings her around in his arms as he always does when he's about to toss her on the couch at home, this time he launches her into the water. She giggles and instead of a splash, Cayden catches her. His eyes are red again, looks at Rivers and says, "You are never to throw her again!"

At that moment, Rivers knew, and everyone knew. Alpha Lu looked shocked, but quickly said, "It is not the first time a wolf fell in love with another magical creature." I looked at him confused, as there had never been a wolf witch hybrid. He continued with, "The mermaid and the wolf."

"But that's just a story, and It was the ocean that saved them." I said.

Alpha Lu looked at me and said, "Have faith in the ocean and Moon Goddess Princess, as she has a plan for everyone. I will talk to your Father and Mother. Everything will be OK." He said as if it was pure fact. We all got out of the water and Rivers would not let it go. He was worried for Amelia. We sat around eating this enormous feast. I Thanked Alpha Lu for such an amazing birthday gift. I couldn't deny how happy Cayden looked when he was around Amelia. I told Rivers we promised nothing bad would come to Amelia. Luna Noelani walked over to Rivers and hugged him close. "You'll find your mate soon Rivers." she assured him as we packed up to head back.