Convicted For Falling

I got up earlier than was nessasary but never the less waited until I had to get everyone up. Once it came time and I had gotten everyone gathered we headed to the front of the school. Before we reached our spot I turned on my heels staring at each of them. Some had some kind of nervous feelings and some looked so excited.

" Look, you are to act as the escort and keep an eye on them. And no matter what Do Not engage your demon alone! Okay? " I said hard.

They gave me nods worthy of a hashira and I smiled. I led them through the door and all I saw as I looked at the group of demons was those bright amber eyes and those glorious wings.

' You do like him, don't you? ' the phoenix chuckled.

' No! i just.. ugh!.. whatever, believe what you want. " I mentally hissed.

Those eyes drilled a hole in me as I made eye contact. His skin was a bronze gold color which made his eyes that much more entrancing. I wasn't sure why they affected me so much, but with each passing minute I was even more entranced. I had to force myself to look at them all. I almost cringed as I saw Tutetchi, the one with the sick looking mouth. I made my voice sound happy but also guarded and made my face look welcoming. The other students would be arriving any minute now so I couldn't waste any time.

" Hello, My name is Asahi Fenikkusu, you may call me Asahi. I suppose you already know that you each have a permanent student guide assigned to you. They are personally customized to your student profiles. " I said trying not to look at Debasaki, but failing. I looked away to introduce my crew and then I looked back at them.

" What are we? Experiments. " Tutetchi sneered.

" Easy, Tutechi. I am sure she didn't mean it that way. " Debasaki said, smiling in amusement.

" May I Continue? " I snapped.

They grew quiet, they knew they were on hashira territory so they wouldn't dare to cross us just yet.

" Here in a few minutes I will let you and your assigned guide to disperse and let them give you a tour of the school, but before we do that I have to administer to you the rules and not just the schools rules but rules for you specifically. You probably already know the school rules so I won't waste time explaining them. " I said.

" Your rules are that you will not harm, eat, or touch any of the students here, you will have your own dorms here that you will stay in while school is closed. If you have any questions regarding that you may go see the principal and address them to him. You will always stay with your guide until all the students leave and the school doors are locked. If you have complaints again go see the principal and talk to him. Do You Understand The Rules? " I asked.

The only one who actually answered me was Debasaki.

" We understand the rules Asahi. " he said still smirking.

" Good you may now go with your guides. " I said bored.

I strode over to Debasaki and Walked past him not caring if I left him behind or not. To my disappointment he walked up to me.

" Are you always so antisocial or are you just not happy that you got stuck with me? " He said smirking a cocky smile at me.

" No, I only wish I didn't have to parade you around all the damn time. There you got your answer, happy? " I snapped. It was the only way to keep the effect he had on me hidden.

" Well, at least I didn't get Koibito, she looked like she was about to piss her pants. " He said smiling in amusement. I stopped and whirled on him.

" You would be too if you had to stay with a demon when you are a hashira. Don't you ever talk about her that way. Her family was killed by YOUR KIND! " I spat.

" I apologize if I offended you or her I just tend to be more observant than the others. " He said genuinly apologizing.

I sighed, actually feeling bad for just snapping at him instead of just trying to act like I wasn't completely falling for those eyes. I hated myself! I wished I didn't feel this way about him! I just can't ignore it though! Ugh why does my life keep getting more and more complicated!

' Because you're a demon slayer, and a hashira at that. ' the phoenix said gently, full of understanding.

' Yeah, you think I got more than I bargained for, huh? ' I replied.

' Just keep your guard up, though I know for sure that this demon, despite his rank and all the humans he's eaten, that he has a good heart. ' it said back.

' Is that even possible? ' I asked.

' Just remember you fight side-by-side with demons who fight for innocent humans just as you do, Girl. ' it said sternly.

' Yeah, I guess. ' I said defeated.

" So, what are the best places at the school were I can get regular food that doesn't taste like ash? " he said with his usual amused smile.

" You'll see it when it's time for breakfast. " I said a little more friendly.

We were reaching the first part of the tour which was the schools arena. The arena was surrounded with big slanted walls that formed a type of oval shape. There was only one way in on this side and I looked at it and remembered that me, choseki, and Kiri had a swordsman match with a school in North Korea renowned for their three fierce swordsman. I hoped they used those because they were actually fun to go against. They weren't nearly as skilled at us but they also weren't to far either. They actually made us enjoy the sport.

" This is where the swordsman from all over come to compete with us. I have a match today and you are required to go because it's during the day. Besides you probably intend to see how I fight to see what weaknesses I have and what your getting yourself into. " I spat the last scentence, it was a reflex I know all to well.

" Not me, I am merely interested in how you fight and what you look like when you fight. The others would do that but I don't see the point when you haven't done anything evil. " he shrugged amused.

" What do you mean by that? " I asked confused. I lead him into the arena to let him get a look at it.

" It's simple, I only eat criminals or bad people. Not saying I am a good demon or anything but I don't eat innocents unless they try to behead me. If I have someone swinging a sword near my throat its instinct to try to defend myself. " He laughed bitterly.

I tried to hide my shock but it was clearly still on my face.

" I know, the big bad demon, only eats bad people. " He seethed.

" No, I just never thought that that thought would ever cross a high ranking demons mind. " I sighed in guilt.

" You hashira are all the same you know. Always expecting demons to be terrible creatures that have no pity or mercy towards humans. Yet you trust the ones who fight by your sides. They may easily turn their blades on ya'll then you'll wish you had thought of the possibility of betrayal. " He snapped turning his eyes on me.

What I saw there in those amber eyes wasn't only anger but a hint of deep sadness and regret. I shook the thought because even though the phoenix said he was good I couldn't lay myself bare and vulnerable to him. I was a hashira, born and raised to slay demons. That will always be my purpose in life.

" Look I don't want to assume the worst of you but you need to give me a reason to trust you. " I stared into those dark sad eyes.

" Okay, but if I was all bad like you assume I am, don't you think I would have taken the opportunity to kill you while we are alone and no ones around? " He pressed.

I couldn't help but accept that much as truth. He would have to do more than that to give him my trust.

" What do you want brownie points or something? Cause I don't think we have a brownie store that you can exchange points for. " I smirked, smug.

He chuckled and I walked to the next destination. As the fitness building neared I didn't need to go inside it was abvious to what would be inside.

" That is where the students go to hang out and work out. " I said waving to the building.

" Well that is a place of interest for me. Anything else you think I would like? " he challenged.

After a moment of thought I looked at him and answered his challenge.

" Follow me, Debasaki. " I said feeling as if I have found a purpose.

We walked to the west side of the campus. I never realized that the school actually had a meat market and I found that last semester but the best thing was the thing that rested behind it. That was what I was fixing to show him. As we neared the meat market, his eyes lit up and he looked at me.

" Now your talking, little hashira! " He said whooping and hollering.

" Shhhhh! " I chuckled.

" Besides that isn't really what I was going to show you but your welcome to go in there. " I trying to hide my smile.

' You like him. ' the phoenix stated.

I mentally sighed and ignored it.

" Really? If thats not it then I really want to know what it is now. " he said collecting himself back to the bored yet amused demon from before. I frowned but continued like I wasn't effected at all by his faded smile.

I walked into a crack between the store and the fence.

" Debasaki? Do you ever wish you weren't with those other demons? " I asked

" Yeah, but I can't leave my spot I can't leave or our boss with come for me and kill me on the spot. " He sighed.

" What if you could? " I edged.

" What are you getting at little hashira? " He snapped pulling me back through the crack and pinning me to the wall. My eyes went wide as his face hovered inches from mine. My heart raced and my breathing became rapid.

" I... I.. was just... I'm sorry for asking. " I said actually afraid of him for a second.

He seemed to realize my fear and jerked back such shame filled his eyes.

" Here I was trying to get you to trust me and then I go growling and shoving you into a wall thinking of how tasty you would be. " He growled more at himself than anything else.

" No, I should be sorry, I shouldn't have pushed it. I just got carried away. " I said brushing the dust of my uniform.

" I am sorry... Sorry I forgot your name? " he said running a hand through his ink black hair.

" You may call me Nikku, Debasaki " I said.

" In total honesty I hate that name, so if you want just call me Asaki. " he said smirking at me.

" Sadly, we won't have time to see it so some other time. " I said cooly.

We walked to breakfast without a single word but when we walked into the cafeteria things got a little bit irritating. All the girls were giving Asaki flirtatious looks and gestures. Some bit their lips while others winked or gave him a sexy smile that any other regular guy would gladly take as a hint that they want them in their bed that night.

However it only made Asaki uncomfortable and I bared my teeth at the flirtatious beasts. They probably took that as a sign that I had already laid claim to him, which I did not. They glared daggars at me practically foaming at the mouth. They were absolutely pissed and they wanted me to know it.

" So one girl not a problem but lots of flirtatious girls make you squirm? How fascinating?" I asked keeping a mask of distaste and he kept a face of blank boredom.

" Because you don't give off a I just want him for his body signal, you just give off a mildly interesting in such mesmerized amber eyes vibe. Yes I can read your little mind, Nikku. " He smirked smug.

My eyes shot wide with horror, the entire time he has been reading my thought! I wish I could curl up and die.

" Also that little Phoenix in you seems to like me. It also likes to make you angry and it likes to make you blush too. " He said getting out of the lunch line and heading towards the table with the other demons.

My head was swimming with the thought of my mind being invaded and the fact that I thought I was safe around him. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him so easily. I will never again let him make me feel anything other than resentment and bitter amusment.

I walked into the line and Mame gave me another favorite to try. I was so grateful that someone knew what a picky eater I am and knows what I like. I sat down and as I was eating I realized that one day I would be convicted for falling for Asaki, and strangely I'm not ashamed of it, not even a little bit.