Sky wing clan

"Don't panic, I came in peace. I think you've already noticed, but if we continue at this pace, we'll be exhausted before halfway through. I believe that father- I mean, clan master is testing our ability to work together, so we need to cooperate if we are to keep up and not fall behind and have our careers ruined." Ash tried to sound as polite as possible, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"And why the hell would you tell us that? We're not friends and we don't work together, so why would we trust anything you say? It could very well be another one of your tricks to eliminate the competition, just like you did to beat Loke in the duel." The only beastman in the group capable of using wind magic responded on behalf of the group, making his suspicion against Ash obvious.

After losing bets against the clan master, many of the leading figures in the army hated the master and Ash for making them lose their bets, so they spread slurs about him in petty revenge.