Nero sky wing

His name was Nero Sky Wing, the leader of the Sky Wing clan. He personally came to receive the young tributes from the different clans he was due to arrive the next day, but he knew that the competitive master of the Black Feather clan would not accept that the other clans arrived before him and would make everyone run desperately to get to the front.

"Is everyone here, Kilian?" Nero asked the master of the dark feather clan, realizing that the small number of beastmen was not even a tenth of that agreed between the clans.

"No sir, those are just the best who were able to withstand the journey and keep up with my speed, those unable to withstand the journey stayed behind along with clan guards and will arrive later after they have had enough rest." Kilian responded helpfully and in a polite tone, though his look was anything but polite.

He noticed that Nero continued to stare at Ash while the latter was still recovering from the trip and he didn't like it at all.