Chapter 59

Danica's POV

I was careful around the Alpha. For some reason my danger instincts seemed to kick in when his eyes flashed like that. He says there's no problem but there definitely was one. I occupied myself taking care of Maggy. Unfortunately, the more she ate the more she pooped. I quickly changed her diaper, but the same feeling of danger passed over me in waves and I could feel my desire to fight being awakened.

I shot a glance at the Alpha and watched as he finished one Pizza and moved onto the next one. As long as he remained in his seat we would be fine. I cleaned up a bit more then pushed Maggy closer to her father.

Once the kitchen looked presentable, I went to the fridge with a flat bread and began to fill it with left-overs. I heard a noise as Derick turned to watch me.

"Do you want some pizza?" I shook my head.

"No thanks. I've been looking forward to getting into this spice Lamb again." I filled my flat bread and fixed a second. I could feel his eyes on me as I worked. Something about the way he was acting was off. One moment it was like my life was on the line and the next it felt like he wanted to throw me onto the counter and ravage. I tried to ignore it and sat at the other side of the island. Not too far away to look like I was avoiding him but not too close that he'd be able to grab me. I heard from Rodger that Alpha's were formidable opponents and I didn't want to test my strength against him just yet.

I ate and smiled. The lamb tasted even better now it had sat in the marinate longer. A silence fell over the cabin only broken by Maggy as she giggled and slapped at her father's hand as he tickled her.

The door to the cabin opened and Mathew walked in. I felt the wave of relief roll over me. Finally, someone to take the attention of the Alpha away from me.

"Mathew!" Derick pointed to Maggy. "Look at this little rascal." He grinned and placed a hand to Maggy's head causing her to turn and look at him with a mix of startled fright and annoyance that faded into giggly happiness.

"She really has gotten so much better." Mathew's smile didn't last long though as he placed his hand to the back of the highchair. "We need to talk." I finished the first of the flat breads and waved a hand.

"Bring Maggy over here if you're going to talk now." Mathew nodded and slid Maggy to me as Derick seemed to sense the change in our attitudes. He watched as Maggy came to a stop and grabbed at my finger.

"What happened?" Mathew took a deep breath.

"Well, that formula you were feeding the girls…" I watched over Maggy as Mathew explained the situation of the poison and herp packets in the pillows. Derick sat stunned his jaw falling open, even I was startled that someone was also going after the twins.

As Mathew became quiet Derick got up and placed his hands on his head as he began to pace around. I grabbed Maggy and took a few steps aside when it looked like he was about to hit something.

Derick gave a low long growl that made Maggy shiver and burry her face in my shoulder. Her little face quickly became tear stricken as Derick was about to explode.

"Outside!" I ordered and to everyone's surprise Derick walked out onto the deck the towel falling from his waist again. Mathew closed the door to the deck as an angry Derick began to let off steam.

"Thank goddess he listened to you." He glanced through the window. "Oh… I'll replace that, and that… Fuck not the grill" Mathew closed his eyes and sharply breathed in as he turned away. "I swear if he pulls the hot tub to pieces, I'm going to beat him myself." I offered Mathew a cola.

"Need some fizzy?" he took it then looked to Maggy. "Daddy is just letting off steam." He said in his baby voice, but she still wasn't happy. Her little face looked at him then shot around and she grabbed my t-shirt tightly. I sighed and finished eating as we waited for the storm, that was Derick, to calm down.

It was nearly two hours before Derick had calmed down enough to be able to enter the house. He opened his mouth but I cut him off.

"Put your trousers on first." I ordered and he closed his mouth then clenched his jaw. He snatched his trousers from the counter and pulled them on. Mathew hid his smirk.

"Feel human again?" Derick nodded.

"I want a full search of the house…" Mathew shook his head and held up his hands.

"No, I was talking about this with Grandmother. If we act too quickly or obviously the culprit will be alerted." He looked to Maggy. "We can explain a spilt tub of formula but a man hunt…" He sighed. "We've put things in place to catch the culprit in a trap." Derick sat heavily on the stool.

"So what now, I'm just meant to sit back and do nothing?" Mathew shook his head.

"Not nothing. Waiting. We'll check to see if the trap had been sprung every day." He nodded but I could see this was not sitting well with him.

"Fine. But if something happens to Maggy I'm doing things my way." Mathew nodded.

"Sure thing. Just don't touch the formula tub in your apartment. Jenny and I will bring formula already made up to you as well as baby food." He nodded and looked to Maggy as she clung to me her little face looking scared as she glanced at her daddy. He stood up and came over to take Maggy then stepped back as she began to scream and cry at him. Mathew cleared his throat.

"Let's just leave her with Danica until you calm down a bit more." He snorted and looked around.

"Fine." He managed through clenched teeth. "Where's my shirt?" Mathew shrugged.

"On the clothesline outside." Derick seemed to hesitate then sat on the stool. "What?" he looked away sheepishly.

"There isn't a clothesline now…" Mathew rolled his eyes as he took a peek at the mess outside and his head fell back.

"Dam, can't you control yourself?" Derick gritted his teeth.

"Not when someone's going after my kids." He sighed. "I should warn Lisa…" Mathew shook his head.

"No." He sighed. "I don't mean don't warn her, I mean don't tell her anything that's going on. She's a gossip." Derick rubbed his face.

"When she starts training she'll be safe enough." I could see that something wasn't sitting right with Derick.

"Derick?" Mathew gave him a hard glair and I rolled my eyes.

"Alpha," My voice was strong and unmoved. "Promise that you'll trust Mathew on this one." I commanded and after a minute he nodded.

"Fine, I'll do this." both Mathew and I let a sigh of relief out. "But you'll both feel my wrath if this doesn't go according to plan." I nodded.