7. The Challenge

...Damian POV...

It's been nearly two weeks since I last saw Zane. He had been working on the acquisition in Europe and had been spending a lot of his time there. He was planning to be back here later today. He had caught an earlier flight and had wanted to meet me at one of the clubs tonight. I didn't mind, as I'd already agreed to meet with him at the club anyways. He was going to give me an update about the woman that had broken into my garage and smashed my cars. I was more curious about how she managed to locate where I lived more than anything else. I made sure when I bought my place that no one could associate it with me. I needed to make sure that people couldn't find me. I had created a fake alias that I use in cases such as this one. Since Zach was the one that finalized all the agreements, not even the real-estate agent knew who was actually purchasing the property. I guess, in a way, I took some pointers from Walt Disney.

Because of my secrecy, I found myself curious as to how the girl managed to locate my actual residence. I wanted to talk to my lawyer about that. I knew he had spoken to the girl, so I hoped he would have some answers for me.

I knew the real reason why Zane wanted to meet with me. Since we'd last talked on the phone, we hadn't had a chance to speak. So Zane planned on 'fathering' me tonight. Giving me his classic 'I'm disappointed in you' talk. I had grown familiar with this talk over the years. Though admittedly, the talks had been coming few and far between. Part of that may be due to Zane's availability or lack thereof. Though the more terrifying thought- perhaps I was just doing better?

It had been a while since I had been to a club myself. Perhaps I could do this with three birds and one stone instead. Perhaps I could get my d*ck wet while also being lectured and getting my questions answered.

I found myself growing eager for tonight's events. While I wasn't exactly looking forward to my brother scolding me. I was looking forward to finding a hot new mark. I like to think of my conquests as marks. Similar to a hitman. I find the person I want, then make them want to come with me. I've never been denied once. I have fame and good looks to thank for that. I know I probably come off as being vain, but in actuality, I'm just a realist. I'm confident enough in my appearance to know that I'm exactly what women think they want. I have the brains to match as well. I'm the complete package, all except for one flaw—the inability to stay with one person.

I decided to go to the club a bit early in hopes of picking up a girl before I meet with my brother. I have a feeling once we have our talk that I won't be in the mood to f*ck. So I wanted to get it out of my system now.

To my annoyance, Sandra had managed to find me. I'll have to talk to Zach about that later. I didn't like that she was getting comfortable around me. Let alone the fact that she seemed to be everywhere I was lately. While I knew this wouldn't be a good idea, I didn't have much time to waste. So instead of throwing Stephanie off my trail, I grabbed her arm and pulled her into one of the private booths. She didn't ask any questions or put up a fight, which I was pleased about. She pulled my shirt off as I unfastened her dress. I continued to have my way with her until I could see my phone going off. Since we were in a noisy club, I had switched my ringer settings so that my phone would flash instead of chirping.

I had just finished, as I picked up my phone. I read the text from my brother, telling me that he was here. I quickly got dressed and left Samantha in the private room. My brother and lawyer were waiting for me in one of the VIP booths, so Sarah wouldn't be able to find me.

I made quick time to get to my brother, knowing that, like me, we don't like to be kept waiting. Since we were meeting in one of the VIP rooms, we would be able to have a full discussion. The VIP booths were soundproof and provided excellent confidentiality. No one would disturb us unless we requested it. We could still see what was happening out on the dancefloor, but no one would be the wiser as to what was happening in this room.

As I entered the room, I noticed the crestfallen but serious look my brother wore; I could tell whatever he planned on telling me was going to be difficult.

"Damian, we have a problem." He began, using my full name once again. Instantly, I knew this was going to be bad.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

Zane remained silent and instead looked to my lawyer.

"DO you want to tell him?" Zane asked, looking at Liam.

"What's going on?" I begin; however, Liam simply nods his head at my brother.

"We're having a bad image problem."

"Since when have we cared about our image?" I asked.

"I've always cared. Except in the past, I was able to erase it before it became a problem." Zane interjects.

"Ok.. so what is this problem, precisely?" I say, looking back and forth between both my brother and lawyer.

"Your stunt with Bill and his daughter is the problem. Bill is extremely upset with your antics."

"So what? It's no secret he hates me. So why are you suddenly raising the issue now?"

"True. In the past, I've turned a blind eye to your womanizing ways. However, I no longer can."

I sat back in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest like a delinquent four-year-old.

"Damian! Enough! You need to listen!" Zane shouts.

Zane has never once raised his voice at me in all my years. So whatever he wants to tell me must be more serious than I thought.

"As you know, you were in line to become the CEO of our American branches once I fulfill the role in Europe."

"So, what's the problem?" I ask, like a petulant child, just wanting to get to the point.

"The point is that Bill has come out and is forcing my hand. Either you smarten up, or he is demanding that you be dropped from the company." Zane says, irritated.

I raise my brows in sheer shock, sitting up abruptly.

"What? He can't do that! He doesn't even work for us!" I shout, furious.

"That's where you're wrong." Liam begins.

I look from my brother over to Liam.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Bill is far more powerful than you give him credit for. Not only is he a silent partner in Stone Enterprises, but he also owns 4o percent of the shares in the company. You and your brother own 30 percent of the shares each. Which makes him the main shareholder."

My eyes go wide in surprise.

"Did you know about this?" I say, immediately turning on my brother.

If Bill is our main shareholder, then it means he does, in fact, have a say in how this company is run.

"Wait. You and I own 30 percent each. Which means that with our combined shares, we still have more power in the company than Bill has." I say, relaxing in my seat once more.

I look at my brother, who seems a bit squirmish, for the first time.

"What aren't you telling me?" I say, looking at my brother, ignoring Liam for the time being.

Zane sighs heavily, avoiding my eye contact.

"I agree with Bill." He says, after a long pause.

"What!? What do you mean you agree with Bill?" I ask.

"Your reputation is hurting our company image. Stone Enterprises is starting to have the reputation of being untrustworthy. No woman wants anything to do with our company. Which only makes matters worse. Society sees you as a womanizing player. Someone that doesn't care about the people they interact with, so long as it was a good lay." Zane explains.

"What Zane is saying is that if we don't solve this now, Stone Enterprises runs the risk of having their acquisition in Europe pulled."

"What does my personal life even have to do with the acquisition?" I ask.

"You're the business major; you should already know that." Zane snaps at me.

Sadly I did know the answer; I just didn't want to admit it. Ever since Stone Enterprises became well known, both my life and Zane's have been looked at under the microscope. Every move we make is analyzed. Even the media can't wait to get their hands on anything to do with either of us. What would be considered a regular day-to-day activity for someone else could be misconstrued to the public as us not caring, being self-centred, or any other term that would hurt a business.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask, looking at my brother once more.

"Am I stepping down? Am I being fired?" I ask, attempting to hide my frustration.

"No. At least not yet, anyway." Zane responds in a huff. I look at him, confused. However, it's Liam that answers.

"We've come up with a solution that I think will help everyone." Liam begins.

I look between the both of them, waiting for an explanation.

"We want you to date someone."

"That's it? You just want me to go on a date? I hardly see how this fixes the issue." I say, crumpling my face.

"Not go on a date, but rather date someone."

"I fail to see the difference." I remark.

"We want you to be exclusive to one girl and one girl only."

"What? For how long?" I ask.

"At least six months to a year." Liam responds.

"WHAT!" I shout, abruptly standing up from my chair.

"Damian, calm down. This isn't as bad as you're making it out to be."

I roll my eyes at him in response.

"Why six months?" I ask.

"We've done some research, and studies show that people consider a committed long-term relationship to be at least six months long. Anytime under that just shows that you're not serious about the person. Or willing to commit. This is why you must stay with the person for at least six months. Longer would be preferred, but we're not holding our breath." Liam explains.

I find myself no longer able to sit amongst them, so I begin to pace the room.

"And Bill agreed to this?" I ask, stopping mid-stride to look at my brother.

"Yes and well no. Bill thinks you're beyond help. But this is the last attempt we have to prove him otherwise. If you successfully stay with a woman for six months, then he'll lay off our backs for a while. He'll even consider your role as CEO to be reinstated."

"So who exactly do you think I should be paired up with? Or did you forget that part?" I ask, looking at both of them.

"We haven't found anyone suitable yet. But we will."

"When exactly?" I ask.

"Within the next few weeks."

"So what do I do until then? Does that mean I can have a few more weeks to live my life the way I want to live it?" I ask, explicitly eyeing my brother. I knew if I could make anyone feel guilty, it would be my brother.

"Actually, that brings us to the next part." Liam says, taking my attention off my brother to look at him.

"Which is?"

"The rules."

I roll my eyes at their response.

"Really? Rules?"

"Yes. Because you've left us with no other choice!" My brother yells, making me take a step back.

I'm thrown off guard hearing my brother yell at me. Sure, I knew he wasn't pleased with my actions, but he's never yelled at me. Now that I take a closer look at him, I can see the pained expression on his face. I may hate what they're making me do. But it's the look on my brother's face that really has me upset. He looks both hurt and frustrated. As if he's been fighting a battle for years, only to be told he's lost. I begin to understand the toll this has put on my brother as well.

"Why don't we just ask Sasha?" I say, hoping to be optimistic. I may not like the idea of having to be with her for six months. But at least it wouldn't be the worst. I already know she's good in bed. And will do anything I ask. So really, it's a win-win.

Liam just looks at me perplexed, then looks towards Zane for answers.

"He means Scarlett Johnson." My brother explains.

"As in Scarlett Johnson, as in daughter of Jakob Johnson, owner of Johnson Pharmaceuticals? That Scarlett Johnson?" Liam asks, seemingly surprised.

"The very one." I reply, smiling.

"That would be a definite no." My brother says firmly, leaving no room for interpretation.

"Why not? What's wrong with her?" I ask. I really want to know since I've never actually paid attention to her.

"We need someone that the public will like and respond to, which is the complete opposite of Scarlett the Harlett." Zane snaps, making me laugh.

"Really? Is that what they call her?" I ask.

"Yes. Amongst other things. But that one is the most popular. Scarlett's very well known to do anything for money and power." Zane explains.

"Well, that part I knew, which is why I never dated her." I explain.

"Either way. We need to find someone that the public will love. But also someone that you can get along with. We really need this to work, which is why we're not going to make the decision lightly."

I nod my head in understanding.

"Wait a minute. What were you talking about earlier about rules?" I ask, remembering our previous conversation.