8. Rules

"Right. Well, we've come up with a total of eight rules, that you will have to abide by in order to accomplish this challenge." Zane explains.

"Rule 1: You by no means are to disclose the details of this challenge with the person we deem fit."

"Rule 2: You must remain with the person for a minimum of six months. Longer would be preferred."

"Rule 3: There is to be no philandering of any kind throughout the duration of the challenge. You are to remain monogamous at all times."

"Rule 4: You must work on maintaining the relationship."

"Rule 5: You must also put in the effort to keep the relationship."

"Wait.. hold on. What is the difference between rule four and five?" I ask.

"Rule four is mostly referring to you being able to build the relationship. Getting to know her, surprising her, making her happy, etc. Whereas rule five is more about ensuring the relationship lasts. So, listening to her. Being there for her. Holding her when she's upset. Celebrating in her wins and achievements. But ultimately, also working together to form a bond. Staying with each other when times get tough, and not giving up on her or the relationship, no matter what happens." I nod my head in understanding.

"Ok. Go on." I say, knowing there are a few more rules left.

"Rule 6: You must go on dates with her. Take her out to places. They don't have to be fancy or over the top, but you need to interact with her on a regular basis."

"Rule 7: You must woo her."

"Really? Woo? What is this? The 1950s?" I say, suppressing a laugh.

"Yes, woo. You must make her fall in love with you." Liam states, emotionlessly.

"Ok.. so that's only seven rules. I thought you said there were eight?" I ask, looking at both of them once more.

This time, however, they both seem to look flustered. Whatever, this rule is, it must be a big one.

"I just want to say I didn't agree to this one. Rather Bill forced us to include it." Zane responds.

Clearly whatever the rule is, must be the worst one. Because both my brother and Liam look like they're about to be sick.

"We only included this one, as Bill thought it was the only way to prove whether or not you were truly committed in this or not." Zane explains.

"Just tell me." I say sitting down, preparing myself for the worst.

"Rule 8: You must propose to her. However, you can only propose if she tells you that she loves you."

My eyes grow wide in utter shock.

"Wait.. what?"

...Haley POV...

We finally made it to the club. Much to our delight, the bouncer let us right on through. Just like Jessica said he would. Liam was in a meeting with one of his clients, so we decided to hit the dance floor. I was so excited to let loose on the dance floor. The last club we had gone to was rather lame. For starters it closed at midnight. What kind of club closes that early?

But as if that wasn't bad enough, the music they played was also really lame. It was a bunch of pop songs that no one had ever heard of before. It was hard to dance as there wasn't really a good beat. We thought a few shots might help, however, we found out that the bar had closed at 10 pm. I was ready to go and call it a night. There didn't seem to be any reason to stay.

This club, however, was the complete opposite. The music was raging, and people were dancing and having a fun time. Many people were drinking, but I didn't want any part in it. I tend to be more of a social drinker than I am a person to just get drunk. I like to sip on cocktails or wine as I relax and talk with my friends. I'm not really a shots person. I don't mind them every once in a while, but I also don't go out of my way to have them either.

Jessica had gone up to the VIP booths in search of Liam. He had texted her that he had finished his meeting and wanted her to join him. I decided to stay out on the dance floor, while she spent time with her boyfriend.

I hadn't been out on the floor long when I felt someone come up behind me. They placed their hands on my hips, making me spin away from them. I grabbed their hands and pulled them off of my waist.

"You can look, but you can't touch." I remark.

The man simply smirks at my comment, however, he comes closer once more. He reaches out for my wrist and pulls me close against him as he begins to whisper in my ear.

"I can do whatever it is I want with you. You're the one that came in here dressed in that, and you expect me to leave you alone? I would be doing you a disservice if I did that." The creep remarks.

I twist my hand out of his reach, successfully spinning him onto the ground. The man falls flat on his back. It was a maneuver I had been shown long ago in a self-defence class. 'What to do when they capture your wrist.'

The man stumbled back onto his feet and looked directly into my eyes. His once calm demeanour is now gone, to be replaced by a ferocious beast. The man shot his hand out towards me in an effort to slap me. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact. However, nothing came. I opened my eyes to see the creep being strangled by another man. He seemed to whisper something in his ear before the creep nodded. The man let go of the creep, who then ran away, exiting the club altogether.

The man in front of me looked familiar, but I couldn't place how I recognized him. It didn't help that all I saw was the back of his head. The man seemed to be staring in the direction of where the creep had run off to. Not once taking his eyes off of him until he saw him leave the club for good.

I patted the man on the shoulder, hoping to get his attention. I wanted to thank him for helping me.

The man spun around, but before I could say anything. He pulled me after him into one of the private rooms.

The light in the room was dim, it was difficult to make out his features. He turned to face me which is when I noticed it. I raised my hand to cover my mouth as I gasped.

”It’s you…” is the only thing I could find myself to say

”You remember me?” He asks, not taking a step closer to me. Instead he keeps his distance from me as his eyes gaze over my body. Not in a seductive way, but rather in a ‘making sure you’re ok’ kind of way.

I was left speechless by his comment. Did he really think I could forget him?

”Of course I do.” Is the only thing I can muster out.

The man turns serious, and takes a step towards me. When I don’t react, he continues to close the distance between us. I didn’t realize that I had been taking small steps back, until I felt the firm and cool wall at my back. The man took the last step towards me, and raised his hand above my head, so that he was leaning against the wall. His mouth precariously close to my own.

I dared to look up at him, only to see the most amazing blue eyes I’d ever seen Looking back at me. I was left speechless as we both remained silent.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck. Sparks travelled throughout my body wherever his breath touched. The man simply stood there, looking at me. His presence alone made me shiver, not in a bad way either. I felt an inner desire to become closer to him. I wanted to close the distance. I felt this urge to be close to him. I couldn’t explain why. Only that it felt like I had to be next to him.

Without realizing what I was doing, I closed the distance between us, placing my lips on his. The man seemed stunned at first, but didn’t object. Instead I felt his hand wrap around my waist as his other hand went on the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him.

“Hales?” I hear my Jess call out to me.

I pushed away from the man in front of me, to see my friend, and what I guessed was her boyfriend Liam.

The man that I’d just been caught kissing stood beside me. I found it hot how he took a protective stance next to me. He didn’t know the people in front of us, and didn’t want to risk something happening to me. I was turned on by the mere prospect but took a breath to relax me. This wasn’t the time or place for this.

“Sorry. I lost you on the dance floor and couldn’t find you.” I say, addressing my friend.

”Mhmm.. I bet.. couldn’t find me in his mouth you mean..” Jess said crossing her arms over her chest as she gestured to him.

Embarrassed from her comment, I coughed to try to hide the man from hearing Jess’s comment.

“Anyways, how did you find us?” I ask, in hopes of changing the topic.

”Well, I couldn’t find you on the dance floor, so Liam suggested that we wait for you here. He sent one of the bouncers to look for you, to bring you here. But looks like you found your way here just fine.” She says, gesturing to the room around us.

Even though Jess sounded mad. I knew she wasn’t. She was just being protective of me.

The room fell silent once more. Until Liam decided to break the ice.

”Damian. Can I talk to you for a moment.” Liam said with no emotion. It was almost as if he was annoyed with him. But tried to prevent it from being known.

”Of course.” The man behind me said.

He hesitated briefly. It was almost as if he was unsure as to whether he should leave me here or not. I could sense his reluctance, but didn’t comment on it.

Damian spun around to look at me. His back turned to the others in the room. He leaned his head down and whispered in my ear.

”Will you be ok?” He asked, with genuine concern.

That was all it took for me to reenter my trance from earlier. I felt his lips graze my neck. I leaned back instinctively, allowing him more space.

Damian whispered to me so silently, that I almost missed his next words.

”I wish you could be the one...”

”If only things could be different.” He whispered, placing a gentle kiss along my neck once more.

I closed my eyes, giving into him and his presence.

I heard Jess clear her throat, and when I opened my eyes, Damian was gone.