9. Heartbreaker

"So what was that?" Jess asks, walking towards me.

I look to see her standing in front of me with her arms crossed. Liam had also disappeared.

"What was what?" I ask, sheepishly.

Jess just rolls her eyes at me.

"Do you even know who that was?" She asks, skipping over her original question.

"No. Was I supposed to?" I ask, genuinely wondering.

"That was THE Damian Stone!" She says, as if I'm stupid for not knowing this.

I look at her with a blank expression on my face. Wondering what the big deal is. I've never heard of him. Is it an American thing? Perhaps Jess only knows because she's been in the States for a year now. When she sees that I have no intention of responding, she face palms the explains who Damian is.

"You out of all people should know who the guy is. Afterall, he only happens to be your boss."

"What? No, actually Michael Hall is my boss. Stone Enterprise is my client. Plus, I've only dealt with Zane Stone. No one mentioned this Damian guy." I say, backing myself up. Just mentioning Damian's name makes my cheeks heat up from just the thought of him. Flashes of our encounter begin to run through my mind.

Jess sighs in frustration, then continues once more.

"Client.. Boss.. they practically mean the same thing."

"Whatever... anyway, what's so important about him?" I ask, curious, while also slightly frustrated.

"Damian Stone is New York's biggest playboy. He doesn't do relationships. He's famous for his one-night stands. He's a hit it and quit it guy. So don't even go there. Damian isn't anyways dream guy. Dream f*ck perhaps, but he's most definitely not boyfriend material. So get him out of your mind. I'll leave this lapse in judgement as your lack of knowledge. Just don't do it again." She says, turning away from me. I figured she must be looking for Liam or heading back out onto the dancefloor.

Once she was gone I felt a whole new wave of emotions. I felt stupid for giving in to him so easily. He must've seen me coming a mile away. Why did I let myself think that I was special? If what Jess said is true, then he must do this on a regular basis.

'But what about what he said to me earlier. About him wishing that I was the one?'

"NO! Don't do that." I said to myself. I shook my head to clear the thoughts from my mind.

Clearly, this guy is a professional. I can't let him get into my head. He's probably moved on to someone else by now.

I nodded my head, proving to myself that I could forget him. I took a few steps towards the door, only to stop midstride. My mind was at war with itself. Part of me was shouting at me to go find him. That he truly liked me. However, a large part was also screaming at me to run while I can. Perhaps there could be a middle ground?

'What if I look for him. If he's with someone else, that will only prove Jess right. But if he's not, then perhaps I might have a chance.'

I desperately hoped it would be the latter option. But realistically, I knew deep down what I was going to find once I went through the door.

I took a deep breath, shaking my nerves as I made my way to the door. I held my hand out to open the door and noticed my hand was shaking. I closed my eyes and focused. Clearing my mind, before continuing.

I opened the door, and walked back into the center of the dance club. I looked around, searching for any sign of Damian. Just as I was about to give up and head back to the VIP area to find Jess, I saw the familiar glimpse of him. He was pressed up against a girl in the corner. His hands were wrapped in her hair as he kissed her with ferocity. Damian took a step back away from the woman. For a second, I felt my heart rate increase. Would he really leave her?

His gaze connected with my own. We continued staring at each other, not blinking once. It was as if everyone had disappeared around us, leaving just the two of us there. Just as hope was beginning to settle over me, he reached for the woman's hand and pulled towards him. With our gaze locked, he kissed the woman in front of me. Knowing that I was watching. I could feel my heart shatter in pieces as I realized Jess was right. Had she not stopped us when she did, I could've been that woman. The woman was made to believe that she was special, and would be intimate with him later.

With our eyes still locked on one another's, he grabbed her hand, and lead her out of the club. I continued to watch him as they left the club.

I can't lie. That hurt. I knew he did that for that sole purpose. It wasn't as if he didn't see me. He knew I was there, and acted like that. I can't believe I almost fell for that.

I took a deep breath and went back to the VIP area. I was no longer in the partying mood. I just wanted to go home.

It didn't take long to find Jess. She was having a blast in the centre of the dancefloor. I walked towards her, and pulled her close so I could talk to her.

"I'm going to head home."

Jess immediately stopped dancing and looked at me concerned.

"What? Why? You can't leave. We just got here. It's not because of 'him' is it?" She asked, referring to Damian.

I couldn't lie to her. She knew me too well. But I had to try.

"No. I'm just tired. I think it would be better to go home and get some rest. I have a big day coming up." I say, rubbing my arm nervously.

Jess continues to look at me, searching my eyes. I don't know what she was looking for, but she must've found it. As she nodded her head and began to walk towards the entrance of the club.

"No. You stay. You're having fun. I don't want to ruin your night."

"It's ok. You're not ruining my night. We're only here because of you. It wouldn't be the same if you weren't here."

Jess walked out of the club and hailed a cab. I ran in front of her and blocked her from getting in.

"No. Stay. I promise I'll be fine. We can go clubbing another time. Go have fun with Liam."

I could see the hesitation in her movements, but she ultimately agreed.

"You sure you'll be ok?" She asked.

I reached out and gripped her arms.

"Yes, I'm positive. I'll be fine."

I could see the thoughts swirl in her mind, but ultimately she stepped back, allowing me to get in the cab.

"I'm a call away. I can be there in a moment's notice." She said. I could tell she was fighting herself over this.

"I promise. I'll be fine. I'll probably just shower and go to bed. So you don't need to worry."

Jess sighed, then took a final step backwards.

"Ok. Take it easy. I'll take you out to brunch tomorrow to make up for tonight. We can even be all posh and order high tea." She said raising her pinky in the air, pretending to be a snobby tea drinker.

I laughed at her antics and agreed.

"I can't wait." I said closing the door of the cab.

I waved goodbye to Jess as the cab pulled away from the sidewalk. I gave him Jess's address, and soon after found myself outside her place.

I tipped the driver and exited the cab. The events from earlier overwhelmed me. Tears began to trickle down my cheeks as I tried to suppress my emotions. I closed my eyes, and allowed myself to focus on my surroundings. I could feel the cool night air breeze over my skin. I could hear cars in the distance. The smell of the old city blocks.

I was annoyed at myself for reacting this way. Did I really think I was special? I knew I would never have a chance with someone like him. But more so, I was annoyed that I allowed myself to feel hurt. There was no reasonable explanation for it. Damian had barely been in my life. There was no sane reason as to why I should be shedding tears over a guy like that. Why would I even want someone that has been with so many women? If anything, I should be thankful. The chances of him not having some sort of STI is slim to none.

I begin laughing at the thought. While I don't think him having an STI is funny, but rather the karmic justice. I shake my head as the tears fall once more, this time out of laughter as opposed to sadness.

I began to walk towards the entrance of Jess's house, with newfound confidence. I wasn't going to be one of those girls that fell at his feet. I was going to show him no interest and instead be the girl he wished he could have. I would make him regret his womanizing ways. I no longer cared if we ever saw each other again. But if we did, I would show him I truly cared. The same way he did when he blatantly kissed that girl in front of me.