10. First Impressions

The weekend passed quickly, and soon I was getting ready for my first day at work at Stone Enterprises. There was so much that I needed to go over. I was basically starting with nothing. The only requirement that they had given us for this job was to include their technology within the design. It was going to be a challenge, but one that I was excited to begin. I would need to spend time with Zane in order to understand their technology better. Once I had a better idea, I would be better able to include it in the designs. Until I understood more about their products, I wouldn't even be able to begin to draw out a design.

I was excited for this new venture. It would do wonders for my career. I had often dreamed of owning my own company, and if this went well, I might even have that chance to do so.

I showered quickly, then got changed. I decided to wear a skin-tight black skirt with a bright red chiffon long-sleeved blouse. I added a matching pair of Louis Vuitton black heels. I thought they matched the outfit perfectly, with their red bottoms. I checked myself out in the mirror, giving myself a once over. I wanted to make sure everything went perfectly. While I may not work for Stone Enterprises, I still wanted to give the best first impression.

Admittedly, I may have had Damian on my mind when I chose my outfit. But more so to draw his attention to me. There was a really big chance that I wouldn't even see him anyways. However, given the fact that he's Zane's brother, I also knew the chances of running into Damian were rather high as well.

I had already made a promise to myself to stay away from him at any cost. I knew I had a weak spot for him, so I couldn't risk him exploiting it.

My cab arrived just on time. It was a short drive to the office, but also way too long to walk there in heels. I held my folder to my chest as I may my way into the building. I walked in with confidence, and went straight to the receptionist desk.

"Excuse me?" I said, looking at the brunette sitting behind the counter filing her nails.

The woman looked up and gave me a disapproving once over. I folded my brows in confusion as she continued to stare at me.

"Uh, I'm looking for Mr. Stone." I say, trying to ignore her rude behaviour. She didn't even know me, and yet she seemed pissed off with my presence.

"Aren't they all." She said, rolling her eyes to my question.

"What?" I partially gasped in surprise and confusion.

"Look toots. I'm sure you probably consider yourself special, and perhaps you are. Just do yourself a favour and get lost."

"Excuse me?" I express, caught off guard.

"Look. Don't make this more difficult than it needs to be. Just leave now, and I won't call security." She said, resuming her nail filing.

I raised my brows in sheer surprise. Who does this bimbo think she is?

"I have a meeting with Mr. Stone, if you don't let me by, I'll be late."

"Mhmm.. that's what they all say."

Annoyed, I grabbed her file and slammed it on the counter in front of us. This woman clearly wasn't going to take me seriously, so I was going to make her.

The woman looked up at me with surprise. She looked down at her nails then back to me.

"You're still here?" She replied with an air of contempt.

"Of course I am because this annoying receptionist won't let me through." I say, desperately trying to push down my annoyance for this woman.

She looked up at me then under her lashes. A confident smirk graced her lips. I watched as she sat back in her chair, and crossed her arms over her chest in a condescending manner.

I turned my head to look at her, wondering what had changed. Why was she suddenly so smug?

Before I had a chance to question anything, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Mam, I think it would be best if you left the premises now." A tall and muscular gentleman replied. He wore an all-black suit. His arms were behind his back in a sophisticated and professional manner. I could see an earpiece in his right ear, which only proved my suspicions. Without even asking, I could tell he must be one of the security guards. He had an air of sophistication and power that surrounded him. The same feeling you would get when talking to a bouncer at a club. One wrong step could end your life. The brunette must've triggered a silent alarm, which resulted in this man's presence right now.

"You know what? Fine. I didn't come here for this shit. I have far better clients to attend to. Do me a favour, and when you see Mr. Stone, tell him his contract is as good as dead." I remarked.

Everything I said was true. I was only here because I was personally selected by Zane himself. He had found out about me through some recent clients of mine. I had come highly talked about. My reputation preceded me. But no one said I would have to deal with this shit. So I was more than ok with dumping Stone Enterprises as a client. Were they the contract of the century? Perhaps, but I didn't care. There would be other clients that would make my dream possible.

"Hold on a second. What did you say your name was?" The security guard said, catching up to me.

I rolled my eyes at his sudden interest in me. I folded my arms across my chest and spun around to look him in the eye.

"I didn't. No one bloody asked." I remarked, raising my hand, to then cross my arms once more.

"Do you mind telling me what your name is? Perhaps there's something I can do." The guard replied.

I could tell he was visibly stressed, while also trying to hide his emotions. As a security guard, he would've been trained to hide his expressions. The guard was good, but I could see cracks appearing. I could tell he was worried about messing with his boss's business. Worried that one wrong move would result in a failed career.

I was tempted just to walk away, but I could tell this guard was sincere. So I decided to answer his question.

"Cunningham. Haley Cunningham."

"There is a Ms. Cunningham here to see the boss." The guard said into his earpiece.

I watched as his skin paled briefly. Without hearing what was being said in the earpiece, I could tell he was having his ass handed to him. A moment later the guard nodded his head and gestured for me to follow him.

"I apologize for the mixup. I will personally see to it that you get to your meeting on time."

"There was no mixup." I remarked. Perhaps a bit petty, but I was still annoyed with what had happened.

I looked over to the brunette that had been watching us. I smiled at her smugly as the guard led me to the nearby elevator. I held back a laugh as she sat there looking at me annoyed.

The elevator ride to Mr. Stone's conference room was silent. I could tell the guard felt as if he had just dodged a bullet. A moment later the elevator buzzed indicating we had reached our floor. The guard stood aside ushering me out of the elevator. He then quickly walked in front of me, and led me to a large office. It was both a simple yet elegant design. There was a conference table along with all the essential items an office would include. Though one thing stood out. Other than furniture, this room seemed to be lifeless, as if no one had ever used it. I was confused, but didn't say anything of it.

"Mr. Stone has been temporarily delayed, but has asked if there is anything he could get you to make you more comfortable." The guard spoke.

I shrugged my shoulders, as I couldn't think of anything in particular.

"breakfast perhaps?" The guard suggested.

I thought about it for a moment, then a maniacal plan came to mind. I desperately wanted to see it through but was nervous about how to request it. The guard, however, seemed to notice my change in attitude.

"I can see you thinking of something. Whatever it is, I will personally see to it."

"It's probably stupid.. but there is something that I would really like."

"Name anything."

"I would like breakfast from that cafe on the corner. Though I want that brunette from earlier to be the one to get it for me, and bring it to me herself."

The guard laughed out loud, then quickly masked his expressions.

"Erm. Right. I will see to it that Vanessa follows through with your request." He says, turning around to head back to the elevator.

I quickly ran after him.

"One more thing. Don't tell her who it's for. I would prefer not to eat her spit or risk her adding poison."

The guard laughed once more than continued his way to the elevator.

"I will ensure that she's on her best behaviour."

For some reason, I rolled my eyes at that. I didn't know Vanessa, but for some reason, I felt like our first introduction was her on her best behaviour. I'd hate to see her worst behaviour.

It didn't take long for Vanessa to show up at the office I was in. She had made herself look seductive in a trashy kind of way before coming here. My guess was that she was under the impression that one of the Stone brothers had requested her personally. Her being the tart she is, must've assumed they wanted a different kind of breakfast.

She opened the door and sauntered into the office. When she saw me, however, she stopped in her tracks. She slammed her hands at her side, nearly dropping the food on the ground in the process. She looked at me as if she wanted to kill me.

I couldn't hold back the laugh I had been suppressing. She placed the food on the table, rather harshly, then stormed out of the office. Once she was gone, I roared in laughter. That had to be the best thing I had ever seen before. The food was pretty much a goner after that, but it was well worth it. The coffee mostly survived, so it looked like I'd be having more of a liquid breakfast this morning.