Chapter 29: I AM SORRY

Next Day,

Akansha didn't sleep properly the previous night and was rubbing her eyes.

It's getting late. I have to get ready for office. Said Akansha and went to the bathroom.

After twenty minutes, she stepped out of the bathroom and changed into top and skirt.

She picked up her bag and came out of the room.

I have to talk to Abhijeet about yesterday. He looked hurt and didn't even respond to my calls. Thought Akansha.

Akansha left for office. In the office during the break. Her colleagues gathered near her desk.

The news about yesterday spread in no time. When her colleagues stood near her desk, Akansha was confused, why was everyone standing there.

When she approached to her desk. Everyone said in chorus, "Congratulations" Akansha.

She was shocked, as some of her colleagues didn't attend yesterday's function. Then, how did they knew about it. Thought Akansha and stared at them putting up a fake smile.

And then, her doubt cleared when she saw Shreya smiling at her, standing behind her back.

5:30 pm

Thank god, office work has ended early. I'll go meet Abhijeet and go home.

Akansha entered the gate of Abhijeet's house.

She rang the bell, which was next to the main door.

Abhijeet opened the door and saw Akansha standing in front of him.

He quickly try to close the but Akansha pushed the door with full force.

Abhi. Listen to me. Please let me explain, about what happened yesterday. Said Akansha softly.

But Abhi was in no mood to listen. He kept on refusing and finally shut the door.

As he didn't see that Akansha was keeping her in the middle of the door. It hurt her hand and she shouted OUCH in pain.

Hearing Akansha's voice, he opened the door and saw that her hand was bleeding.

He held her hand. "I am sorry" Akansha. I over reacted. Said Abhijeet.

No. It's okay. You had reasons. I understand. Said Akansha and placed her hand on his cheek.

I am sorry for hurting you Abhijeet. Said Akansha and hugged him.

He too hugged her tightly. She said Ahhhh.....

Let me do first aid for you. Come inside. Said Abhijeet.

No, it's already late. I have to go. I came to see, whether you are okay and say Sorry.

You won't listen to me like this. I have to carry you inside. Said Abhijeet and carried her inside.