Chapter 17: Trespassor

My kitchen smelled of cooked garlic, and I found myself grinning. I'd like to see Ezra try to get in here now. He wouldn't be sticking around long if he did. Garlic doesn't ward vampires away or even do any damage like in the myths. But it sure does annoy the crap out of them. It was something about the way it came out of human's pores. It tended to make them sneeze. They referred to it as an allergy, but I think mostly they just didn't like the smell.

It was just one aspect of many to explain why I couldn't make it as a vampire. I loved garlic, sometimes more than life itself. I was stirring my chicken pesto, just imagining Ezra's face if he decided to break in again, when an errant thought crossed my brain and made me pause.