Chapter 29: Loyalties

The ride up the elevator was tense and silent as it slowly dragged me closer to what could very well be my death. Dread sat heavy in my gut as I weighed my options. They didn't look good, to be honest. If I was dealing with someone relatively sane, I probably wouldn't have to worry much. But with Bobby, I was almost certain that he would blow everything way out of proportion.

The worst part of it all was the fact that I had no way to prove I didn't do it. Aside from mentioning Ezra, which would never be an option. Not if I liked my head attached to my body.

I began biting my nails, the only sign of my inner anxiety that I could allow. Next to me, Duncan and Andrew both looked as nervous as I felt. Duncan more than Andrew. He knew what Bobby was capable of. I didn't think Andrew fully understood the danger I was under. He still didn't believe the threat on my life was true. I guess he was about to find out.