Chapter 28: Royally Screwed

I pulled my car against the curb of another downtown side street. Couldn't these vamps figure out more original places to dump bodies? It was always downtown and always in dark, creepy alleyways. What I wouldn't give for a body on the beach or maybe in a nice field somewhere. I sighed as I sat back in my seat, steeling myself for a long morning.

I stared across the street to the alleyway, teeming with police vehicles, more than likely making a big mess of things that I would have to clean up. Somewhere in all of that chaos was Ezra. He had insisted on riding with me, though I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. You can't tell me that the infamous vampire king has to bum rides. He made me drop him off two blocks away from the scene with the promise that he'd 'be watching.' Whatever that was supposed to mean.