Chapter 33: Protection

Ezra led me up the staircase as the vampires shuffled in behind us. I could feel many sets of eyes on us and tense automatically. Ezra paused, and a low snarl erupted from his chest. Suddenly there was the sound of movement on the first level and when I looked back, there was no one there. I glanced back at Ezra to see the irritation fading from his eyes.

"You sure can clear a room out," I said with a smirk.

His protectiveness was something I hadn't seen from him before, and I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it. For one thing, I had never really been protected in my past. Not even as a child. And for another, I had never expected to be protected by the vampire king of all people.

But when I saw him standing there, acting as my valiant protector against his own people, my feelings for him changed. I went from feeling exhilarated and terrified to something else entirely. Something that I wasn't sure I was willing to admit to myself. Not now. Maybe not ever.