Chapter 131: Guest Lodge

At first, Julia thought there was nothing there but, as she looked around, a perfectly round shape caught her eye. A dome-like structure, built on similar lines as their dwelling, blended perfectly with the surrounding mountains.

Zacar grunted and the door slid open. They walked into a beautifully furnished living room.

Julia frowned at her surroundings. As beautiful and comfortable as this was, she didn't want to leave Sarah here. She wanted to take her home and care for her. Try and put the laughter back in her eyes. Julia was ashamed to admit that she definitely didn't want to take Marcie with them. She simply didn't trust her.

"This is amazing. When did you do all this?" Julia and Zurian stood a little apart from the others. "Why did you build this?"

Marcie looked around with narrowed eyes, Larz sticking close to her. "Why's he on top of me all the time?" the woman asked, so shrilly that Julia winced.

"I protect you," Larz said.