Chapter 132: The Claiming

Marcie paled, clearly not expecting that. She balled her fists and stepped forward.

"Er...alien warrior...I mean Mr. Zacar..." Sarah's voice trailed away. She swallowed and looked down at her hands, which Julia saw were clamped in her lap.

"Do you want to tell us something?" Natalie asked gently.

Sarah nodded.

"Please, go ahead, don't be scared."

"I don't - I can't be near her." She vaguely gestured toward Marcie and Julia noticed that, while she sat as far away from the warriors as she could get, she was even farther back from Marcie. "She helped them."

Julia sucked in such a deep breath she choked on it for a few seconds. She'd grown up in a criminal organization where betrayal was considered the worst crime.

"If you are so unwilling to be in my company, why did you get into that shuttle with me in it?" Marcia mocked, no hint of shame or alarm on her face.